New Progression Server confirmed


TLP Idealist
Zzzz. Third nagafen on the server, an open raid at 4am full of naked level thirties has Nagafen trained on them. They mostly die. More news at 11.

On the other hand we just got every FFA mob in the first cycle post server transfers, including dojo cycle. 3/5ths of this was contested. We are surely doomed.

My obsession with MM is non-existent. Their leader follows our raids around half the time so I occasionally do the same.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think it's a requirement for raid leaders to freak out over stuff(Even trivial). I've yet to have someone who leads raids etc not scream, yell, cuss etc, in all the mmos i've played. Though it is usually worse in pvp style games . I can't really blame them either, i can't imagine trying to babysit 70+ people who half the time are not paying attention, have no clue whats going on and pretend VOIP is highschool cafeteria where gossip/random talk happen right in the middle of raids/pvp action.

Hell Dradee on test used to do it all the time :p
Dunno, there's some different levels - I've heard some pretty mellow people bitch about Yawg that I've shared past experience with "normal" stress level raid leaders.

That said, my interaction with him as someone outside the guild, Yawg seems perfectly fine leaning towards cool with the oddball nonsense he does. (Frankly, he seems weird and inquisitive like me - plus obviously plays/played MTG at some point like myself) So I've stood up for him as much as I could on how he is as a person - I think it's just symptoms of his role stressing him out if the stories are accurate. But sometimes people just like to complain as well. Shrug.

Course I think every single raid leader I've had over the years has either been on heavy duty pain killers or weed - that probably has helped have them be more mellow about such.


The problem I had in Faceless is we would be doing something simple like clearing fear and if you were listening to Darth/Yawg you would think we were on the verge of wiping the entire time. And since no orders were given in raid/guild you had to listen to that shit for hours on end.

Darth is also like that boss that "jokes" about firing you which isn't cool in the first place, but then you see him rage boot someone and realize he isn't joking at all.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
The problem I had in Faceless is we would be doing something simple like clearing fear and if you were listening to Darth/Yawg you would think we were on the verge of wiping the entire time. And since no orders were given in raid/guild you had to listen to that shit for hours on end.

Darth is also like that boss that "jokes" about firing you which isn't cool in the first place, but then you see him rage boot someone and realize he isn't joking at all.
Been in the guild for a while now in numerous raids and have no idea what you are talking about. Must have a very sandy vagina. My only complaint is they don't yell enough with the talkative ones that are carrying on in TS during the middle of raid


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Guessing LJ being down a lot is due to all of Magefire transferring over?
They were having chain crashes on the weekends - presumably from population - so now that we inherited the population does seem likely we inherited the weekend crashes... =/


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think it's a requirement for raid leaders to freak out over stuff(Even trivial). I've yet to have someone who leads raids etc not scream, yell, cuss etc, in all the mmos i've played. Though it is usually worse in pvp style games . I can't really blame them either, i can't imagine trying to babysit 70+ people who half the time are not paying attention, have no clue whats going on and pretend VOIP is highschool cafeteria where gossip/random talk happen right in the middle of raids/pvp action.

Hell Dradee on test used to do it all the time:p
I resemble that remark.............


<Bronze Donator>
So what.. 10 guilds attended a meeting on the ragefire rotation, 8/10 agreed to a new rotation and now Apokalypsis and Reign of Eternity are crying because they were the two guilds that didnt agree. They've ninja edited the rotation excel spreadsheet, citing that they had "half" the votes of the current approved rotation (which 2/4 guilds).. and now I hear holly feels bad for them and wants to review the new rotation that was voted on by 8/10 guilds.

This game is losing its appeal pretty fast. I mean ROE hadn't killed a single raid boss on their own and they got into the rotation because Apok and ROE went behind everyone and emailed their rotation to Roshen who blindly approved it. Now they arent geting their way and its crybaby all over every forum post from melveny (apok) or breeze (roe GL). It's just a carebear shit show.

Ontop of all that, roshen hasnt really even commented on the official forums since the rotation was forced upon us, it's like GM's just disappeared and threw all the weight on the players. Seems like absurd customer service.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lol, you can't complain about Roe/Apok doing a backroom deal when TL flips and does the same thing days later. Both sides trying to get what is best for them and doing it anyway they can.


<Bronze Donator>
Yeah you missed the part where 10 guilds were there, and 8 agreed. Not very backroom.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lol, you can't complain about Roe/Apok doing a backroom deal when TL flips and does the same thing days later. Both sides trying to get what is best for them and doing it anyway they can.
The deal is pretty bad for Apok to be honest - because they wanted a stranglehold on preventing the rotation from really having a realistic entry - the TL proposal makes a ton of sense.

Apok doesn't like it because they want the rotation to be teeny with only 4-5 guilds in it max, RoE doesn't like it because they get automatically in on the Apok version without qualifying - they've got to earn their way in with TL. (Unless I missed a revision - I did just glance at the "final" version quickly vs. when I got some early data on the concept)

But for the TEN guilds that have eventual raiding aspirations everyone besides those two with those biases voted for it - without being welfared into the system or anything. [Which FYI, I'm glad even though it sounds like we would've been voted in that DHS and Masons both earned our way in before our first rotation mob came up - I imagine MiM likely did too since they're solid, but not 100% sure to quote them]

TL's deal is a beautiful deal for the server (in fact in quite a few ways, I'd suggest looking at it if we ever consider revising the LJ rotation - the "primetime/offtime" slots thing is pretty awesome and still makes roughly half the mobs FFA - so it's actually higher FFA for FFA fans while making it more comfortable for those that don't want to poopsock that much) - the only reasons to oppose it are either the reasons I gave above, or blind hate of anything TL related.
