I just hit level 37 and have most of my gathering trade skills up to around 100, but the gameplay loop is starting to fall apart for me. Up until now I would quest and gather and return to town to turn in quests and craft once my bags were full. This worked really well up until now, but the requirement of reagents, which only drop in small quantities and randomly from the scattered chests and supply caches around the world, to craft anything Tier IV, is completely ruining the experience. These reagent are sold for exorbitant prices on the trading post due to the demand, but you can't craft shit without them, so the Tier IV crafting mats all sell for like 0.01 coins each and are far cheaper than Tier I mats because no one can do anything with them. I can't save them because inventory and storage space is so limited, and even putting them on the trading post is a pain in the ass due to how slow the interface is and the fact that it caps out at 100 sell orders per character.
This insane bottleneck is definitely killing my interest in continuing. I might take a break for a while and at least wait until I can transfer to Vingolf.