This game's strength is how fast they can make fixes/changes and put out content. It's not going to be DoA, but it's going to be one of those games that may take 3-6 months to become what it really is. Sucks they couldn't just put it back on ice and keep adding stuff, but I think after a year's delay they really can't do it again. Luckily as a box price game there shouldn't be TOO much holding people from coming back when it's set on its true course.
Most of the changes they've made were from feedback by the way. Almost everything was asked for by the early testers. They moved away from the hardcore pvp everything goes ruleset because testers said it was too griefy. Then each little change meant they needed to add something else to make it more palatable. I mean they didn't even have quests in game until 6 months or so ago and they had to because there was two ways of leveling: doing faction quests which mostly sucked or killing 100000 mobs. Dungeons didn't exist. Storyline quest was basically nothing. Bounty boards were much more limited and would actually cap out in towns so you couldn't get new ones. So they rushed the quest system and are still working on it, but yeah, it's pretty basic.
They're trying to bring back the pvp roots but they know that the population in MMOs is PVErs not PVPers so they're trying not to incentivize ganking and camping but rather make open world battle spots to congregate the pvpers. It's really unfortunate, they're doing the right stuff, but they just are doing so much so fast they can't get it to a comfortable level for anything.
But like I said previously, this game may not be a true experience until 3+ months in when they find their soul and direction. The problem will be if Amazon sees big box sales, big population drop off, and then cuts funds rather than investing in it. With only MTX as their source of money after box price it could be interesting because the more people you have the more small sales you make, but whales in games tend to be lifers.