This game is going to be crushing for the leveling. I'm not sure I'd advise people to go TOO hard in the beta if you plan on buying and playing at launch. I think in something like 30+ hours I got to lvl 30 and I'm pretty sure that was with the most buffed exp they had. Problem is you can't even do some of the instanced PVP stuff until 60. Kind of a shitty situation as I think a lot of people would like to try that out. You can however do Wars (50v50), but guilds would most likely kick out lower levels for higher levels if possible.
I'd definitely play with all the weapons and make sure you get to lvl 11+ with the ones you think you'd like. Don't worry about crafting too much at low level as it can be very time consuming. If you find a nice spot with good mobs and mob respawn time, grind baby grind! Quests are shit for exp and running back and forth without mounts is somewhat of a pain.
Definitely try to get 25ish though and do a dungeon. They're basic but can be challenging at points. The bosses will fuck you up if you're not ready.
I mean it'll take hardcore players, the 12+ hour a day players probably 4-5 days to reach 60, probably. Most of us semi-hardcore nerds will be there sometime after the first week.
Crafting is poorly balanced IMO at this point, they've been tuning it but it's one of those games where it takes twelve T1 ore to make a T1 sword. Then it takes 8 T2 ore and 12 T1 ore to make a T2 sword. Then 6/8/12 etc etc etc. But the problem is you can get weapons/armor so easily and abundantly early on that it's worthless to craft your own stuff. The crafting is 100% worth it at high end to target farm perks/stats ilvl+ stuff, but unless you're just crafting to keep up with the resources in your zones its not particularly worth while.
The good thing about that system is that low levels can make money by just resource farming while they level as the resources are always needed. The bad news is that bots can do the same thing. I put in some feedback on reducing the previous tier materials as I think at the highest end a white weapon at the ilvl 300 or whatever it was (highest possible I could see) took something like 432 tier one ore to make ONE sword. That's fucked.
However salvaging items gives you a TON of ingots which are like 4 ore each so if you're just salvaging the garbo drops around your level you can net a decent amount of previous level resources.
Anyone interested in a dedicated New World discord can head over to xerge gaming dot com, it'll redirect to the cord'. I do not care about your forum personality - don't be a shitter obv. There's create-a-channel functionality for everyone, so anyone can have their group channel for when needed. News bot in place, music bots, etc. This cord is a spot some ppl call home so act right and fucking respect it.I'd like for a bunch of us to meet up on one server/db/whatever when it does launch.Xerge
Is closed beta the actual start or are they wiping for launch?