NFL 2014 - 2015 Season Thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
A friend and I were watching the Colts game in a bar, and as soon as Savage limped off the field and they showed Lechler warming up, the whole place started screaming "WATT! WATT! WATT! WATT!"


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Shit, didnt know Texans picked up Keenum. I always liked the guy in college, did he just suck outside college or what? Always wanted to watch and see how him or Kellen Moore would do in the pros


Silver Knight of the Realm
He was basically thrown to the wolves last year after Matt Schaub started raining pick sixes and was dealing with ankle and foot injuries.

He had his moments, but he had some obvious flaws also. He held on to the ball way too long, and completely caved under any semblance of pressure. Under different circumstances he may have fared better, but who knows. By the time he started last year, Houston had already lost four in a row en route to 14 in a row and his first game was against the monstrous (at the time, I think they sorta wilted the later the season got) KC defense and fared pretty well, only losing by 1 point. His next couple of games were pretty good (3 TD's, no picks) but after that, it just sorta slid out of control.

Houston was just a weird team last year. Their 2-14 record could have easily been 8-8 (lost 8 games by 7 points or less) but I'm sure you could say that about a lot of teams every year.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
He was basically thrown to the wolves last year after Matt Schaub started raining pick sixes and was dealing with ankle and foot injuries.

He had his moments, but he had some obvious flaws also. He held on to the ball way too long, and completely caved under any semblance of pressure. Under different circumstances he may have fared better, but who knows. By the time he started last year, Houston had already lost four in a row en route to 14 in a row and his first game was against the monstrous (at the time, I think they sorta wilted the later the season got) KC defense and fared pretty well, only losing by 1 point. His next couple of games were pretty good (3 TD's, no picks) but after that, it just sorta slid out of control.

Houston was just a weird team last year. Their 2-14 record could have easily been 8-8 (lost 8 games by 7 points or less) but I'm sure you could say that about a lot of teams every year.
from lookingat it it does kinda seem like he was thrown to the wolves, I would have just kept him over signing Mallett


Silver Knight of the Realm
There is a lot of talk in the local media that he was sent packing because he wasn't "Bill O'Brien's guy." The rumors of Mallett coming here started almost immediately after O'Brien was hired, so there may be some truth to that.

Then again, he couldn't make it to a team that was starting Austin Davis or Shaun Hill either.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


<Gold Donor>
After the game, ESPN played the press coverage with Catler. It was about a good minute long - while Catler answered two questions with the standard stock answers in his completely disinterested appearance, I guess the media has had enough of him too since after he poked at them for more questions, the media ignored him outright.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
After the game, ESPN played the press coverage with Catler. It was about a good minute long - while Catler answered two questions with the standard stock answers in his completely disinterested appearance, I guess the media has had enough of him too since after he poked at them for more questions, the media ignored him outright.
Actually the media was late and fucked up.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I don't think I have seen a team with as little heart as the Bears last night. I mean, Allen, Marshal, and a couple of the DBs showed up, sorta, but the rest of the team was completely phoning it in. You see more effort out of the fucking Jaguars and Raiders on a weekly basis than the Bears this year. Trestman's fault or not, this team has thrown in the towel and a compete house cleaning needs to happen. You can say its the D that aged out all of its veterans, and they have been shit this year, but the D are not throwing all of the picks or letting Cutler get sacked 7 times by the worst D in the league. All around shit show, worse than the Forrest Greg/Randy Wright years of the Packers, and that is saying something.

Anyhow, I think the Pack probably gets the number two seed, with Detroit being what it is and their recent injuries. This is provided that we actually beat TB, which I am not taking as a given at the moment. That basically means they might win a playoff game for a change and lose in Seattle instead, meaning a Roidhawks vs Cheatriots Superbowl. The only part of that game I will be morbidly curious to watch is seeing who works the refs better, Brady or Carroll. I don't even know who I would pull for in that game.