NFL 2016 - <whatever Tony is doing>


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Ambi is right though. Romo should be the superior QB because of experience. Sure, Dak has been amazing and Jerrah got one really right but it's been a perfect setup for the kid. What QB anywhere in the NFL wouldn't take this deal? You get the top OL and RB in the NFL with a top 5 WR and a top 5 TE thrown in for good measure. We will keep your jersey clean and all you have to do is not turn the ball over. He's been exceptional at that and has some wheels. If he keeps this pace up, he should start but this reminds me of Denver last year. Let's see if he can keep it going.
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Golden Squire
Romo takes more risks with this throws. The early comparisons to Favre weren't unwarranted in that respect. However, his first full year as QB was also the year he threw the most Ints and if you look at the seasons where he played all or all but one game he's been 10 and under 4 times (out of 6 qualifying seasons, which is the problem). The early high number (13 in 10 games in 2006, 19 in 16 for 2007, 14 in 13 for 2008) gave an impression that he throws a lot of picks. Some of the context of those picks also added to the bad reputation of a choker. The only outlier in a full season since then was 2012 where he matched that 2007 total of 19, but that year he also threw 100 more passes (and almost 5k yards) than in any previous year so his Int% still ended up being less than the early years. That was also a bad overall team and Tony is pretty much the only reason they even sniffed 8-8.

Dak's been pretty lucky a couple of times but when it comes down to it he's making safer throws than Tony would. If you agree that Philly and Steelers have been his two toughest contests, then those are games when you see where Dak needs work.

I'm all for sticking with Dak but I think at some point Romo is going to need to step in. When that will be is anyone's guess but it will happen.


Vyemm Raider
I'm all for sticking with Dak but I think at some point Romo is going to need to step in. When that will be is anyone's guess but it will happen.

We all can't wait for this to happen so the Cowboys go back to not being relevant.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Im sorry but you guys are just wrong. Romo isnt playing again this year unless Dak gets hurt.

Changing of the guard is a hard thing in the NFL. I watched Montana get hurt, and Steve Young come in. I cried when Joe went to KC. Was even more upset when they beat the Young led 49ers that year.

Thing is, Young won a Super Bowl that same year, and turned out to be a HOFer. Fortunes do change, and Prescott isnt immune to that. But The Cowboys fortunes changed for the better since he has played, and some of you guys have to just accept it.

Dak SHOULDNT be carrying that fucking team like Romo has previously. They made better moves the last few years and have better talent. Dak doesnt HAVE to throw the ball 40 times a game, he doesnt HAVE to throw for 400 yards and 3 scores and light shit up like Romo has.

All he has to do is not make mistakes and guide the offense through sustained drives and score touchdowns. Thats what he is doing. Yea he doesnt take as many risks as Romo, and thats not only a good thing, its a by product of where this team is talent wise. Best Oline, arguably best RB, star WR, HOF TE. He shouldnt have to play hero ball like Tony has so often.

The only reason why some Cowboys fans are even sticking up for Romo is the feels, because the results on the field speak for themselves. If they benched Dak and started Romo and they lost 2 straight, those same fans would be SCREAMING for Prescott, and touting him as the alpha going forward.

Romo era in Dallas is fucking over. It happens fast and unforgiving, just like the hit Avril put on him.
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Golden Squire
That's the situation I more closely associate with what's going on here (Montana/Young). Obviously different in the context of Montana being a shoe-in hall of famer, but he was the franchise QB with a history of winning and had pledged his career to the team.

7 games left in the year. Anything can happen. There was no reason to believe Dak was going to play this way, so there's also no reason to think Tony won't get a chance at some point. Keep things as they are, but the coaches need to not be afraid to turn to Romo if it comes down to it. The talk about what to do after the season should be held to that time. For now, enjoy the ride of what is arguably the best team in the NFL.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You can argue that both ways. Prescott isnt really winning games on his arm, but hes winning which trumps everything. Romo in his last full season had incredible stats that year (14') but seems to make riskier throws and hasnt played all year.

Dak is basically being handled how Russell Wilson was, albeit without the best defense in the NFL backing him up like Wilson had. I'd go with the hot hand personally, and bringing in Romo and losing games could crush a teams confidence...but I could understand if the Cowboys did because Romo has more upside as a QB when he's not making derpy interceptions which could mean more in the playoffs.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
We dont know Daks upside. We know his floor is pretty respectable though, as he isnt going to have multiple turnovers or stink up the place.

At the very least he is better than replacement level. At his best with more starts he could be a Pro Bowler, and actually afford the Cowboys more in a playoff environment than Romo.

Romo doesnt scare any defensive coordinator or fanbase in a playoff situation. Dak might. You just dont know what he is truly capable of yet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think Dak sucks. He makes some awful throws and will get exposed by top tier defenses.

That last play by the Steelers was fucking pathetic. Jones lined up on the inside of the TE and then tries to play contain on the outside with a blitzing CB. That's a special kind of stupid.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jones is fuckin awful UGA garbage, worst 1st round pick we have had since Jamaine Stephens. I put that loss on not only the D but Tomlin too. Tomlins dumb go-for-2 shit every time put them in a place where they were trying to defend a fg instead of a touchdown to lose...but hey I bet he sounded cool and hip as a players coach making those retarded decisions.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
7,060 Power Rankings are laughable. Eagles at #8, second highest of NFC East teams...despite being 0-3 in the division (having lost to all 3 other teams) and last in the division overall. Giants 2nd in the division and are only ranked 16th in the power rankings.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
As a life long cowboys fan I am pumped we are (hopefully) transitioning from romo.

Can't stand the dude and haven't for years. He's great when things are humming but at any side of adversity it's pick city and he crumbles like the sweet little snowflake he is.

Yeah the deck is stacked for dak, but we all know what will happen if Jerry sticks romo back in; the team will splinter and romo will ultimately get hurt or throw enough picks to ruin our chance at another ring.

How about another full year for Randall Gregory, that dumb fuck couldn't even wait until his second contract to get real money before pissing away his career
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Golden Squire
I think Dak sucks. He makes some awful throws and will get exposed by top tier defenses.

That last play by the Steelers was fucking pathetic. Jones lined up on the inside of the TE and then tries to play contain on the outside with a blitzing CB. That's a special kind of stupid.
He's already been exposed by at least one top tier defense. Philly took it to him. Bad coaching let him off the hook. This last game was his first over 300 yards. Genjiro said it best, the team is built so the need for QB heroics isn't as pronounced. He's had to win some games late, yes. Every QB does at some point and it's fucking great that he's managed it.

The next two games will be telling, for both sides of the ball. Secondary is very banged up right now and that's been their strength. Baltimore defense is no joke. FO has them at 5th overall and 1st against the run and doesn't appear to be fluky like GB's former hold to that title. Zeke may not get any room to run. Washington is on a really good run right now, and I'm sure they want to take it to Dallas on Thanksgiving.

It's crunch time. Getting into the most exciting time of the year for teams looking to make the playoffs.

As a life long cowboys fan I am pumped we are (hopefully) transitioning from romo.

Can't stand the dude and haven't for years. He's great when things are humming but at any side of adversity it's pick city and he crumbles like the sweet little snowflake he is.

I bet you're one of those assholes who thought he wasn't a leader because he wore his hat backwards.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I bet you're one of those assholes who thought he wasn't a leader because he wore his hat backwards.

Nah I couldn't care less about how he dresses.

I've just always thought he was a bitch who gets hurt or throws picks and would rather be golfing.

I've got a lot of friends who are cowboys fans and I am certainly in the minority in that belief.
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Golden Squire
I never understood that perception that he'd rather be doing something else. For all the shit that's ever been leaked out of the locker room over the years, not a single one has ever been about how Tony is just phoning it in because he wants to go golfing after the game or something.

Feel free to not like the way he plays the game but the last thing I'd ever do is question his commitment to the position or to the team.
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<Gold Donor>
Whether Romo is better or not is irrelevant (he is, obviously). More relevant to me is the team's chemistry, which is as good as it has been in 20+ years and the notion that throwing Romo back in there now to give the team a better chance of winning is fucking absurd. They're winning. Against good teams, and they're doing it while not having to rely on the QB to play perfectly. Only dipshit Dallas fans would want to fuck that up. But hey, as a Dallas fan I know better than anyone that at least 70% of the Cowboys fans are in fact, dumb fucks (and hilcucks) so there is that I suppose.
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Potato del Grande
Nice, his first start he gets go up against Wake and Suh. This could be interesting.
Yeah seriously. Happy he's getting his shot, not so sure this was the right moment. (that was probably the 1st game of the season anyways though so what the hell right?)


Potato del Grande
Jeff Fisher is like, alright 4-5 and the rest of our schedule is pretty tough, if I start Goff now and he struggles and we miss the playoffs I'll get another year of this bullshit for sure!!!