NFL 2016 - <whatever Tony is doing>


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Pic of Convo after the game last night

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Beyond Passer Rating: Comparing The 4 NFC East QBs

Really good breakdown using a lot of different metrics. Figured you'd find it an interesting read Merrith.

Some good shit in there. It's interesting because I post on Hogs Haven sometimes, and earlier in the year people were noting Cousins' yardage numbers and a few of us pointed out he's always been a guy to pile up yards, did it under Shanny, does it under Gruden. The major thing he improved as last year went on was his interceptions/turnovers, and he started throwing it down the field more. As for throwing it down the field more, Desean Jackson did miss most of the first half of the season, so it's no real surprise that number went up once he came back. But anyways, I noted earlier in the year that his passer rating and QBR stats (I always look at both, passer rating can be crude, but it'll tell a pretty basic efficiency story...completion %, TD:Int ratio big drivers) were more middle of the pack while his yardage/yards per game and completion % were top 10.

Last couple weeks though have seen his passer rating and QBR rise up to match some of his other stats. He's pretty much in the top 5-10 range for most passer stats, and now that his efficiency ones have joined the others, I'm completely sold and want to pay the man.

I actually thought Eli was getting better than some of those numbers show, but I guess not. Dak having an incredible year, and large gap between what him and Cousins are doing and what Manning/Wentz are doing. I wonder if Giants are poised to falter down the stretch a little bit...they were something like a +3 in point differential for the season at 6-3, then lucked out having Bears and Browns back to back weeks to get gifted 8-3. We'll see what happens.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Also of note on Cousins' Interception rate (shown at 1.6%). His career rate going into last season was fucking terrible, and it was 3.5% through the first 6 games last year. For all of last year he managed to drop it to 2.0%, and this year it's 1.6%. His career number though is still 2.7%, which just tells you how shitty he was at this prior to the final 10 games last year, and how much better he has gotten in his last 21 regular season games (final 10 last year and all of this year).
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Giants have had a soft schedule so far (I think I read today that it was the easiest in the league). Their remaining schedule is pretty rough. I'd agree with 9-7.
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Still a Music Elitist
Giants barely beat the Bengals. They are not as good as their record indicates. Just like the Dolphins.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Beyond Passer Rating: Comparing The 4 NFC East QBs

Really good breakdown using a lot of different metrics. Figured you'd find it an interesting read Merrith.

Really hate QBR as it over values rushing and has things where stats are more valuable at the end of games.

Otherwise, it seems pretty consistent all around with the order and shows Wentz crashed and burned faster than @Convo. Of course, none of the other QBs have Dallas's Oline or a beast like Zeke to make things that much easier.
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Golden Squire
All anyone really needs is to make the playoffs. After that, all bets are off.

That said, 2007 and 2011 are pretty heavy outliers if you look at the last ten years of the Giants seasons. I mean, they haven't made the playoffs since the last win either, which just goes that sometimes it's better to be lucky than to be good.
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Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
There was an NFL season in 2007? I don't even remember it.

That 2011 Super Bowl, might be the two worst teams to play in a Super Bowl. Pats shouldn't have even been there, Cundiff missed a 20 yarder to lose the AFC championship
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Golden Squire
Twitter gonna stream game tomorrow. Twitter gonna crash, though not much in the way of an accomplishment there, all things considered.
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Ssraeszha Raider
Back to what's really important, the Cowboys. They'll clinch a playoff spot with a win over Vikings and a loss by either Tampa Bay or Washington.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There was an NFL season in 2007? I don't even remember it.

That 2011 Super Bowl, might be the two worst teams to play in a Super Bowl. Pats shouldn't have even been there, Cundiff missed a 20 yarder to lose the AFC championship

Stop picking my scab, fucker. It hurts.
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