NFL 2016 - <whatever Tony is doing>


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Every playoff team is BEGGING the Cowboys to do this.

I know, just irritated that Giants been skating by with close wins and easy schedule lately looked inept against Pittsburgh and Dallas has won 11 in a row with a chance to clinch division/1st round bye and they come out and lay an egg against them. All we needed was a win and we controlled our own destiny again. Oh well, if Dallas can sack up and beat Tampa next week same scenario, win out and we're in.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Damn, Dak didn't even have a 50% completion rating. So, this is what happens when an unstoppable offense meets an immovable defense. Giants seem to own the Cowboys?


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
America owns the cowboys and we dont like them.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Game Thread: Dallas Cowboys (11-1) at New York Giants (8-4) • /r/

> be eli manning

> go to coach for play

> I wonder what cooper is up to

> say nonsense in huddle, they'll figure it out

> ready, break. huh like a kit-kat bar

> wow look at all those scary men over there

> hey that guy did something


> uh-oh spaghetti-o's this play wont work


> uh, that big number thingy is almost at zero

> is that bad?

> clap and yell at guy with the ball


> ball is snapped

> no, wait what did you do

> scary men are running now

> I need archie

> hey the guy with the funny hair is waiving at me

> he's so friendly

> I should give him a present

> uh, what about this brown oval thing I have!

> throw ball to him


> aw he's dancing he must have like my present

> wait, why is everyone else happy

> they must have gotten presents too!

> aw, the scary men are sad

> i'll give them a present too!
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Only thing working all night was Zeke and it seemed like they were afraid to just keep feeding him the ball.

He had some chunks, but there were plenty of series where he was getting stopped for 2 or less forcing you guys into 3rd and longs. I thought Dak should have used his legs more tonight at times.


<Gold Donor>
Only thing working all night was Zeke and it seemed like they were afraid to just keep feeding him the ball.

Agreed, seemed an odd time/game to go away from run with Dak getting all of that pressure. Hopefully offense figures it out in practice this week. Dez and Dak need some chemistry counseling - maybe Dez can take him to North Park mall to steal underwear together. Bonding sess


Ssraeszha Raider
He had some chunks, but there were plenty of series where he was getting stopped for 2 or less forcing you guys into 3rd and longs. I thought Dak should have used his legs more tonight at times.

You didnt like that sweet play where he took off and slid behind the line of scrimmage?

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
He had some chunks, but there were plenty of series where he was getting stopped for 2 or less forcing you guys into 3rd and longs. I thought Dak should have used his legs more tonight at times.

Point them out, show me where Zeke is the reason for those drives stalling. Here I'll help you out.

Watch Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Giants [12/11/2016] -

I counted one drive in the 4th quarter where Elliott was the one who was the cause for a punt, the only one in the entire game.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Point then out, show me where Zeke is the reason for those drives stalling. Here I'll help you out.

Watch Dallas Cowboys vs. New York Giants [12/11/2016] -

Not saying he was THE reason for drives stalling. But there's more than one run in there going for less than 2 yards that isn't helping them stay out of 3rd and longs. Overall he had a successful night, you just didn't see as many 2nd and shorts or 3rd and shorts as normal I'd say. He'd rip off chunks, but they didn't really have sustained drives of him putting together many multiple 5+ yard runs to make it easy like normal.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
Not saying he was THE reason for drives stalling. But there's more than one run in there going for less than 2 yards that isn't helping them stay out of 3rd and longs. Overall he had a successful night, you just didn't see as many 2nd and shorts or 3rd and shorts as normal I'd say. He'd rip off chunks, but they didn't really have sustained drives of him putting together many multiple 5+ yard runs to make it easy like normal.

He was handed the ball 4 times all game on 2nd down, 1 time in the 2nd half. 2, 8, 4, 13 in order. Run for a couple on 1st, incomplete on 2nd then 3rd and long. The best drives are the ones they fed Zeke, with the exception of the 3rd and 11 toss sweep. They abandoned the run and threw way to much behind a QB having a bad night. They should have let Zeke carry them.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
He was handed the ball 4 times all game on 2nd down, 1 time in the 2nd half. 2, 8, 4, 13 in order. Run for a couple on 1st, incomplete on 2nd then 3rd and long. The best drives are the ones they fed Zeke, with the exception of the 3rd and 11 toss sweep. They abandoned the run and threw way to much behind a QB having a bad night. They should have let Zeke carry them.

I agree with all of this. You back yourself into a corner when your QB isn't completely much (not that Dez helped at all tonight) and you're only handing it off once most series of downs. Then if he's only getting 2 or 3 on those runs, and you throw an incomplete, it's 3rd and long and you're forced into passing. Dak just wasn't finding guys most of the night. Zeke had a good overall game, for whatever reason they just weren't letting him go as much as I thought they could have, and Dak didn't do as good a job sliding away from pressure as he normally does.

The other thing I noticed the most watching this game is how much better the Skins D would be if they had a guy like Sean Lee. Dude was everywhere.

Burnem Wizfyre

Log Wizard
I agree with all of this. You back yourself into a corner when your QB isn't completely much (not that Dez helped at all tonight) and you're only handing it off once most series of downs. Then if he's only getting 2 or 3 on those runs, and you throw an incomplete, it's 3rd and long and you're forced into passing. Dak just wasn't finding guys most of the night. Zeke had a good overall game, for whatever reason they just weren't letting him go as much as I thought they could have, and Dak didn't do as good a job sliding away from pressure as he normally does.

The other thing I noticed the most watching this game is how much better the Skins D would be if they had a guy like Sean Lee. Dude was everywhere.

That is what happened, agreed. It sounded like you were saying Zeke was setting Dak up to fail, the OC did that with his play calling.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Also to your point about Dak not running as much as he should, ever think he might have watched RG3 tape?

Touche. But there is RG3 leaping head first and never learning how to slide on his runs and sliding away from pressure and taking what they give you, smartly. I'm guessing there was more available to him tonight than 1 carry for 1 yard.