NFL 2016 - <whatever Tony is doing>


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I am much more scared of a Dak led Cowboys than I am a Romo led Cowboys.

Then you are retarded.

He did his part in 2014 but that loser Bryant can't make a catch.

I've been saying for years that bryant is overrated. He's got potential, but that's it. As my coaches always used to say, "You have potential" is a backhanded insult because it means you aint done shit yet. The only thing I like about Bryant these days is that he's a great decoy.

Two garbage games in a row for Dak.

3. He hasn't had a good game since week 11 against the ravens.
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Vyemm Raider
so the underflated ball thing at the steelers giants game is getting a bit of traction- personally i think it vindicates brady, and Currently the league is reacting the way it should- by going meh, they were legal at the start of the game. demanding picks back etc, is useless, but the nfl saying oops our bad the gas law actually would account for the underinflation would go far to alleviate the hate the pats fans have for the league office... but we all know the league would NEVER ever do that.

and the way the balls ARE being treated right now, should have been the way it was handled back then.. it should have been a non issue.


Blackwing Lair Raider
The Giants apparently never filed a complaint. Idk. The Mara-Rooney relationship would be ruined!!


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah it was about Brady and Darth Bill being so used to cheating/bending rules that they just assumed they had to cover their asses and got caught lying. Its never the act that gets you (unless its weed), its covering it up that gets you punished. All Brady had to do in that situation was say "Yeah, like most QBs I altered the ball pressure, but I didn't think it was a big deal" and he likely would have just had to sit out one preseason game, at most. Or maybe just not fight the thing in the first place and turn it into Goodel's manhood being on the line so he HAD to come down on him.

That said, if the rules have not changed since Brady got busted, the same standards should apply to others or that sends an even worse message.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Amazing. I'll put it to you this way. Dak isn't going to get this team to the promised land this year. The last two weeks might as well have been previews to the postseason, and except for two plays, two, he has shown he isn't where he needs to be to face off against a playoff caliber defense. There's a reason a rookie QB has yet to win a Super Bowl, and you're looking at it.

The coaching staff's stubbornness of not "rocking the boat" is going to see them exit in the divisional round... again. I'm sure that'll make a lot of people happy but as a fan it's going to be frustrating as hell.

Your right, but so is Gan. If Romo had the ability, much less the durability, to get you there it would have happened a long time ago. This is about the Cowboys future, more than anything else. If you ever want another ring, its vital you get Dak (who is the guy of the future) to go through the playoff ringer and experience that so that next year, when you likely are legitimate SB winner favorites, he has that experience. I know this as Packer fans had to learn this very harsh lesson with Favre (who I still root for) having to go for the team to get back and Favre had a hell of a lot more left in the tank than Romo does now when they cut him loose.

Look, either way you are not likely getting a title this year (if the G men can figure out Dak, I am sure Bellicheat can in his sleep underwater with the lights off), but you can likely get some real trade value from some struggling team out there and get some real playoff experience under his belt. Or, you can put Romo in and watch him be one and done and basically turn Dak into another Wentz or Brock Lobster who isn't going to progress because you shit on the team chemistry you have been building and Romo likely gets hurt again and only the Browns or Jags will even want him.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
It was about the fact people cannot handle that Brady-Belichick are so much better than their shit teams.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
All the class and mystique left the Cardinals when Warner left. Fitz is the Barry Sanders of wide receivers and not enough carry them when he has a revolving door at QB. If he ever wanted a ring, he should have asked to be traded a while ago. The Floyd thing is just the latest symptom in that whole franchises' lack of consistency and discipline.


<Gold Donor>
Your right, but so is Gan. If Romo had the ability, much less the durability, to get you there it would have happened a long time ago. This is about the Cowboys future, more than anything else. If you ever want another ring, its vital you get Dak (who is the guy of the future) to go through the playoff ringer and experience that so that next year, when you likely are legitimate SB winner favorites, he has that experience. I know this as Packer fans had to learn this very harsh lesson with Favre (who I still root for) having to go for the team to get back and Favre had a hell of a lot more left in the tank than Romo does now when they cut him loose.

Look, either way you are not likely getting a title this year (if the G men can figure out Dak, I am sure Bellicheat can in his sleep underwater with the lights off), but you can likely get some real trade value from some struggling team out there and get some real playoff experience under his belt. Or, you can put Romo in and watch him be one and done and basically turn Dak into another Wentz or Brock Lobster who isn't going to progress because you shit on the team chemistry you have been building and Romo likely gets hurt again and only the Browns or Jags will even want him.

Agreed with all of that. The likelihood of Romo being better than Dak in the playoffs this year is marginal - the likelihood of him being around 3 years from now at a high level is literally nil. I just hope the Boys can get the bye clinched, and get home field for the first playoff game. Anything after that is gravy for me - they've got their QB and RB sorted, now for the secondary....


Potato Supreme
Agreed with all of that. The likelihood of Romo being better than Dak in the playoffs this year is marginal - the likelihood of him being around 3 years from now at a high level is literally nil. I just hope the Boys can get the bye clinched, and get home field for the first playoff game. Anything after that is gravy for me - they've got their QB and RB sorted, now for the secondary....

Secondary is actually pretty decent. We need a pass rush.


<Gold Donor>
Brown "could" be decent, but its clear to me that Carr has lost a step. You know things are dire when I'm actually missing Claiborne. Think that we have some decent pieces, but definitely need improvement across the line (I like Crawford, and that's about it). We definitely didn't lose last night because of our defense, (though if fecking Church makes just one of those gifted INT's...) - team is young and going to take some time to get right. Fun time to be a Cowboys fan


Trakanon Raider
Goodnight sweet prince.

Too bad today isn't 8/8.. but 12/12 will do


Golden Squire
Your right, but so is Gan. If Romo had the ability, much less the durability, to get you there it would have happened a long time ago. This is about the Cowboys future, more than anything else. If you ever want another ring, its vital you get Dak (who is the guy of the future) to go through the playoff ringer and experience that so that next year, when you likely are legitimate SB winner favorites, he has that experience. I know this as Packer fans had to learn this very harsh lesson with Favre (who I still root for) having to go for the team to get back and Favre had a hell of a lot more left in the tank than Romo does now when they cut him loose.

Look, either way you are not likely getting a title this year (if the G men can figure out Dak, I am sure Bellicheat can in his sleep underwater with the lights off), but you can likely get some real trade value from some struggling team out there and get some real playoff experience under his belt. Or, you can put Romo in and watch him be one and done and basically turn Dak into another Wentz or Brock Lobster who isn't going to progress because you shit on the team chemistry you have been building and Romo likely gets hurt again and only the Browns or Jags will even want him.
Disagree. Chemistry is one thing. Ability is another. If you don't think Romo is a part of the team, and as such doesn't have chemistry with the others around him, then you're not paying attention. The last two games shows that chemistry can only go so far. You need ability too. Dak is a good QB and one day may even be listed among the Cowboy greats, but his NFL education is incomplete. Gutting the playoffs out with him just to "get experience" is only a viable option if his primary backup is Sanchez.

More and more I believe that this year is going to end up squandered because of feels data like "momentum" and "chemistry". You can still trust that Dak is the future, but if we're being honest, and if the team is being honest, then you also have to trust that Romo is the better option starting in January.
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