Nintendo Switch (previously NX)


Avatar of War Slayer

Can we get something more like this, pls?

Had to pause with the chickens


New Nintendo has to have a /gimmick/ or a /new thing/ for their "new stuff" - I would say this started around the N64 but really game cube era. At least in their mainline stuff.

Whoever posted the history video of Twilight Princess explains it and Nintendo's hubiris on this. Yeah, they /generally/ do knock it out of the park - but at the same time we do not get new stuff as often as they could.

Look at BoTW to ToTK - a direct sequel that is rare, but even then they could not make plots work together because the /had to make it a high % DIFFERENT/ - The stupid sky things where not enough, the stupid depths were not enough - we could not expand upon the story from BoTW, or continue the setup they gave at the end of the DLC, no no, we have to do the stupid GO BACK AND BACK AND BACK to explain stuff because ALL NEW. They could have added the building stuff to the sheika tech - had the robbie and the pura lady develop it or whater and fleshed out and explained that calamity ganon was just an aspect of ganon and there are more - it turns out to be 3 total from back when Ganon had the triforce in X-game (people would love the connection back to whatever random zelda you choose) Make BoTW into a trilogy, have it re discovering the triforce etc. because neither BoTW or ToTK really talked about it - but no.. we have to reinvent the origins of the world / kingdom again because stupid skyward sword was not bastardized enough.