Nioh (Team Ninja)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Wow... night two on this game and Namon has realized that he is A: old B: has a hard skill ceiling... C: that is high enough to accommodate midgets. This game is amazing. This game is seriously fucking deep. This game absolutely will not be fully utilized by me. As a guy who has a hard time remembering to ki pulse, I watched a tutorial on combat and dude was giggling like a school girl as he was swapping stances mid combat, and then went "now watch this!" Then he proceeded to do it MID COMBO. I got a plat on Bloodborne, only have two bosses to down in Dark Souls III, and there is no way I have the digital dexterity to push that many buttons across the controller in short order. So people who say this is a Soulsborne clone are really high on crack. Heck, I'm struggling with the fact that I only have 3 elixers and burn through those within minutes and can't seem to get them to drop... ever to replenish my stock (I know get gud, but damn, at least I had 5 in DS III).

Combat mechanics video for those who will get more use out of it than me:

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Trakanon Raider
I just want everyone to remember what day 1 & 2 were like on their FIRST Souls experience ever.

I bet some people never even thought they'd get halfway through one of those fucking games and ended up beating an entire trilogy plus some. Give it some time guys.

Not saying this game isn' hard as fuck though, haha.

edit; embarrassing story for someone who has spent over 2,800 hours in all Souls titles and Borne. I bought an imported copy of Demons Souls a month or so before Dark Souls came out and couldn't even make it to x-3 in any world. I returned the game frustrated as fuck and played other shit and forgot about it. These games had little to no press at the time, so there wasnt much help for an NA player. Dark Souls came out and saw you guys loving it and got stuck in Undead Burg with 9 and a half hours played, hahaha. I returned Dark Souls and bought it again two weeks later. I ended up dropping the Taurus Demon and never looked back...5 titles later, here we are...
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Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Fuck I'm still struggling through Dark Souls dog.
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A nice asshole.
Something must be clicking with me or The heavy armor build is the way to go because I am only dying on bosses. Well had one Yokai axe dude attack me for 1200 damage in two swings, but everything else is block, axe chop, with occasional dodge.

About to go on ship ride for the third time. Also minor spoiler--------light all three beacons and the boss is almost laughable.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Watching various streamers really shows the skill ceiling in this game is fairly high, and that it is both easier and harder than DS/ BB. Its harder than DS/BB if you don't untilize the moveset(s) for your preferred weapon, but it seems easier if you can make best use of the movesets. An example would be comparing Elajjaz and ItemJP, both mainly used the Axe, but watching them play is liking watching a pro vs. pleb.

Ele uses more than one stance with the Axe and different combo's, while ItemJP just stays in high stance and repeats the same attack over and over....guess who had the easier time? Ela, of course, I think he only died to one boss in his 20hr stream, while ItemJP died multiple times to bosses / environment (both love the game though). I think a lot of people are playing Nioh like they would play a DS/BB game, which is unfortunate since the game is so deep when it comes to its combat system. Its going to be really fun to watch people PvP once that is released. =)

Namon Namon I'm right there with you, lol. Ki Pulse on Dodge really opened the game up for me, but I've yet to get comfortable with switching stances / weapons while fighting. You can increase the number of elixirs you can hold at once via a Passive in Omnyo Magic, and also by collecting more Kodama for whatever region you're in (kodama bonus is up to +5 elixirs for a region if you have found all the kodama).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Something must be clicking with me or The heavy armor build is the way to go because I am only dying on bosses. Well had one Yokai axe dude attack me for 1200 damage in two swings, but everything else is block, axe chop, with occasional dodge.

About to go on ship ride for the third time. Also minor spoiler--------light all three beacons and the boss is almost laughable.
I had to stop watching Lirik play that area yesterday, he kept falling into the water.... so many times, before getting to the boss. Felt bad for him, lol. That area is pretty awesome though, if a bit annoying.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Wow... night two on this game and Namon has realized that he is A: old B: has a hard skill ceiling... C: that is high enough to accommodate midgets. This game is amazing. This game is seriously fucking deep. This game absolutely will not be fully utilized by me. As a guy who has a hard time remembering to ki pulse, I watched a tutorial on combat and dude was giggling like a school girl as he was swapping stances mid combat, and then went "now watch this!" Then he proceeded to do it MID COMBO. I got a plat on Bloodborne, only have two bosses to down in Dark Souls III, and there is no way I have the digital dexterity to push that many buttons across the controller in short order. So people who say this is a Soulsborne clone are really high on crack. Heck, I'm struggling with the fact that I only have 3 elixers and burn through those within minutes and can't seem to get them to drop... ever to replenish my stock (I know get gud, but damn, at least I had 5 in DS III).

Combat mechanics video for those who will get more use out of it than me:

I haven't watched the YouTube mechanic videos so probably beating a dead horse, but remember those Ki pulse abilities replace the need to R1. So they should in essence reduce the number of buttons you're having to press. With Living Water: Man just hitting X at the right time after a combo will give you a Pulse and Dodge. Reduces the need to worry about R1 and less time blocking with L1.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I haven't watched the YouTube mechanic videos so probably beating a dead horse, but remember those Ki pulse abilities replace the need to R1. So they should in essence reduce the number of buttons you're having to press. With Living Water: Man just hitting X at the right time after a combo will give you a Pulse and Dodge. Reduces the need to worry about R1 and less time blocking with L1.

See this is what makes these games so frustratingly awesome. There are so many different angles and views to what is right etc. Up until now most places I have been have stated that the ki pulse dodge ability is a oh shit card to use if you are on the verge of getting winded, and the mob is about to go ham on you. I may have to try that.

Zindan Zindan I will have to give those a shot for sure. I won't lie, I have always been a chugger in these games. I'm just simply not that good, and I tip my hat to every person who is able to do a SL1 run of these games and not take damage. That is some serious skill right there.


Trakanon Raider
Not only that, the filter for 'check all' doesn't work at all. I can set it to "uncommon or lower" and it always checks everything anyway.

Btw, don't offer or sell stuff directly. Amrita is easy to get, and you can make a lot more gold by breaking items down first. Or just save the materials, you're going to need them later. You can also upgrade materials to higher tiers.

Also, very important lesson learned from Cohh. Don't "sell" items going to "all items" and selecting the rarity, select all and sell. Unlike deconstruct which only selects armor and weapons, selling also sets all your consumables and materials. He sold all his items, and with a limit on 20 buybacks, he lost... alot.

My routine so far is looking at items, storing/locking things with abilities I might want to have, deconstructing all weapons/armor, then the only things I sell are accessories. I do that with every mission, sorting only by "level".

Just got to the first boat. Died twice to every boss except the lightning doggy which took me at least 10+ until I switched to low stance double swords continuously dodging until his lightning beam to the left and face hitting 3 times, then backing off. Rinse repeat, the fight took 15 minutes but only used one elixir at the end.

I think the difficulty spike, if there is one, from the Soulsborne games, comes from Nioh punishing greed and rushing to a much higher degree. That said, taking it too slow really trivializes some things. Mobs can follow you for a long distance if you keep next to them, or continuously hit them. However, if you aggro, run away a bit, they will break path and go back nearly always facing away from you. There are yokai encounters you can kill by walking up to cloud, trigger it, stand there until it aggros, run away, break follow, go back slowly and backstab, run away, rinse repeat.

So far my game to beat for GOTY. Not sure what else is coming this year that can beat it (possibly RDR 2 or LOU2 if they are released this year)


Molten Core Raider
Fought my fist "real" boss last night (chick in cavern) and had a really good time. It was a little tough because I'm still experimenting a ton with stances, combos, weapon switching and all that. Making it needlessly complicated. But once I got down to focusing on kiling her it was pretty straightforward. I'm using the chain weapon I can't spell. I doubt it is the best way to go but it is a lot of fun. I have a combo that totally fucks regular mobs - high stance ranged, low attack, low attack hold/drag, pulse, low attack. I can kill pretty much anything with that series. It feels a little OP since I never have to really bother parrying.

Anyway, love the game. Hate the inventory management. I haven't even really been bothered thinking about which armor and weapons I'm using yet. Just kinda pushing forward until I have to start actually thinking about it. I just trade up for weapons with higher damage and familiarity ceiling. I'm kinda dreading crafting because the menus are a shit-show but, hey, lunch time today will be spent doing recon.

Kinda want to beat the game so I can watch people stream; but also kinda want to take it slow. Sub-missions are a cool idea.

Love it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Beat lightning doggy myself last night, but found him way easier than bat bitch. Ditto on goty sentiment, but there's some weeab shit that'll give it competition.

Still haven't attempted that horrible sub mission again.


Vyemm Raider
Amazon is saying this will ship in 1-2 months. Have not seen a new game not be available since the PS1 days. Guess the popularity of this was way under estimated and they didn't print enough disks. Canceled Amazon order and went digital.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm pretty sure that 1 - 2 months thing is bullshit until they get a solid date.


<Silver Donator>
This game is great. I'm streaming but just to cut out funny parts, if there are any.

Target has an in-store thing which gives you 30% off if you you buy a $1 pre-order card. I chose the Red Dead Redemption 2 card.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So after watching some videos of this game. The combo potential for complexity is bonkers.

Super cool. But I don't have a PS4. Maybe when I get through Dark Souls I'll try it. There are some bullshit PS4 exclusives I need to play.

  1. Last of Us
  2. Zero Dawn (if it is good)
  3. Bloodborne
  4. Nioh


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
those 4 are worth the price of a PS4 for sure.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
So, guy who are watching streams but aren't mentioning who the streamers are - who are you watching? Would love to see what a good Katana or Gama or Dual Sword or Spear user can do.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I've mainly watched CohhCarnage, he is using spears. Can watch his play through on youtube
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