No Man's Sky


what Suineg set it to
Pretty much the same here. I grabbed a "demo" of it at release, had a few laughs at what a complete and utter shitshow it was, then uninstalled and forgot about it.

Since it showed up on Game Pass I've tried it 3 or 4 times, doing both regular playthroughs and the challenge mode stuff and I just don't get the appeal. It's obviously a vast improvement over the turd they shat out in 2016, but it's still just so damn boring.
The same people who are enamored with AI art love procedural slop attached to a sandbox.

I don't get it either.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You might like the expeditions more - they’re more curated with specific goals

Otherwise this really is a game where you need to make your own goals


<Silver Donator>
You might like the expeditions more - they’re more curated with specific goals

Otherwise this really is a game where you need to make your own goals

I think I am going to set a goal of uninstalling it.

I like sandbox but the underlying gameplay loop still needs to be good.
  • 1Worf
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<Gold Donor>
BrotherWu BrotherWu As someone whos played this on and off for a few years I totally understand your criticisms. In fact, I agree in part with them especially the UI being tedious garbage. I think this game scratches my itch to collect ships, as tedious as that is too.


<Silver Donator>
BrotherWu BrotherWu As someone whos played this on and off for a few years I totally understand your criticisms. In fact, I agree in part with them especially the UI being tedious garbage. I think this game scratches my itch to collect ships, as tedious as that is too.

Ship collector, huh? I have run into a few of you in World of Warships, which is still alive and kicking, believe it or not.

I will probably give it a few more hours to see if it becomes more interesting but I doubt it will.

I picked up Enshrouded a while back and have been waiting for the right time to try it out.
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what Suineg set it to
Ship collector, huh? I have run into a few of you in World of Warships, which is still alive and kicking, believe it or not.

I will probably give it a few more hours to see if it becomes more interesting but I doubt it will.

I picked up Enshrouded a while back and have been waiting for the right time to try it out.
I still play WoWs. It's my chill shooter of choice still after all these years.
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<Silver Donator>
I still play WoWs. It's my chill shooter of choice still after all these years.

Nice! I actually played it in Beta but really only started trying to learn how to play it a little more seriously a couple of years ago. I played in a few CB clans and then took about 6 months off. Just got back into a CB clan. CBs start tonight.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Ok boys. So, I bought this game for PS on day 1. Played it for a bit and concluded it sucked. Bought it for PC a few years ago and played it for 30 minutes and refunded.

I picked it up again recently and played into some of the storylines. I feel like I have given it a good try. All I hear about what a great redemption arc story this game is. Help me understand. I don't get it.

The planets are samey, varying only by environmental threat and superficial permutations of plants, animals, minerals. There are just a few recurring POIs. Building is boring. Travel is tedious. Combat is boring. UI/UX is terrible. Graphics are dated. The story is a mess. Multiplayer is half-assed.

It is a really interesting idea but the gameplay loop is awful.
There's probably a whole ton of systems and mechanics you're missing out on if you're just dicking around on planets with POIs.

Capture a pirate freighter, build up a fleet of frigates. Fight a sentinel capital ship. Loot some derelicts. Chase some of the rare ships like exotics, living ships, or sentinel ships. Or build your own.

Do you even have a giant battlemech that follows you around roasting shit?

Collect really fucking weird pets. I can ride around on a synthetic being made of light.

Also crank up the custom difficulty.
Last edited:


<Gold Donor>
There's probably a whole ton of systems and mechanics you're missing out on if you're just dicking around on planets with POIs.

Capture a pirate freighter, build up a fleet of frigates. Fight a sentinel capital ship. Loot some derelicts. Chase some of the rare ships like exotics, living ships, or sentinel ships. Or build your own.

Do you even have a giant battlemech that follows you around roasting shit?

Collect really fucking weird pets. I can ride around on a synthetic being made of light.

Also crank up the custom difficulty.
I totally get why someone wouldn’t like this game. It’s mostly a chill time waster, and not really a focused experience. I have fun messing around now and then, but the game has its limitations, and let’s be honest , all the difficulty is really just tedium.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>

This graphic is missing at least 2 updates.

Every one of these patches added or massively expanded multiple major subsystems.

If you haven't found stuff to do, you're not looking.
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Trakanon Raider
There's a million things to do but very little direction. It's extremely sandboxy like Minecraft for example.
You have to set your own objectives. It's definitely not for everyone.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Read somewhere the other day that they called it a "screenshot emulator". I bought it early on and got a refund. It may be great and they do appear to do updates often for free.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Most time I spent in the game is when I found an absolutely massive underground cavern. I built a giant Fallout Vault base - even had an overseer's office over the atrium lol
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I totally understand people who can't get into this game. I have over 300 hours played and half the time I can't get into the game myself, but now and again I find something I wanna do in the game and play it extensively for 2-4 weeks until I've achieved my goal and then get bored out of my mind until the next time I found something I wanna do.

In the end I love the game, but it's as sandbox game as it gets. The game barely tells you anything. If you don't set yourself objectives, the game won't do it for you.
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<Silver Donator>
That's fine. But are there interesting sandbox objectives and is the path to them engaging? Not seeing it yet but I'm giving it a real try. Up to 21 hours now.

Also, I just ran into the "You killed a few pirates, so here's your freighter and frigate!" LOL wtf is that?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
That's fine. But are there interesting sandbox objectives and is the path to them engaging? Not seeing it yet but I'm giving it a real try. Up to 21 hours now.

Also, I just ran into the "You killed a few pirates, so here's your freighter and frigate!" LOL wtf is that?

What kind of freighter?

This is another thing that kind of pissed me off. I had no idea that there is an underlying mechanic at play here, where when you start out accomplishing these sort of 'rescue a freighter that's under attack' event chains, that you can keep refusing the 'free' freighters until you get one that you want. Hell, how many new players even know what freighters even exist? So you can accept the first free freighter, but that then ends that chance at getting something better for free vis a vis that quest (just keep refusing and taking the cash reward until you get something much better)

What I ended up doing was just buying a bog-standard freighter for cash years ago (landed on it and bought it) and then I would just reject every free freighter offered later on, because they just weren't worth it as an upgrade even for free. Then I quit the game for 4+ years, came back, and one day rescued a Capital Freighter. I was confused as to why it was 'free' until it dawned on me that I had never accepted a free freighter, ever, so I just happened to have that event chain still active.

This link is a little out of date but you can get the gist of how it works


<Silver Donator>
Whatever this is. I don't quite understand the mechanics. Apparently it comes with a frigate and the frigate does some shit for you? I tried to find the captain on the frigate but couldn't. I only had a minute.



<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I should probably add some more context RE: freighters

Most of the differences in freighters are either cosmetic, or they're only related to 'slots' that are related to C, B, A and S tiers. Now, if you end up playing with your freighter as a mobile base (instead of using a planet with a base and a portal as your 'home' base) then the total # of slots may be more important to you, but they never really were for me.

Money will eventually become inconsequential for most players. So in all honesty, even if you were to accept a 'normal' C-class freighter for free (not a Capital), you can still always play warp/save shenanigans at a later date (once you have a pile of cash) to find a bigger/better freighter and then just buy it out wholesale, if you want. So it's not that the game is necessarily screwing players over, it just may feel that way at first because the game doesn't tell you a lot of this (AFAIK)

There's actually an upside to an early freighter, even if it is 'just' a C class: get a few Frigates, and start sending them out on expeditions. Buy Tritium and di-hydrogen jelly to make frigate fuel with (it's easier IMHO to buy the di-hydrogen jelly and then refine it down to base dihydrogen, than it is to manually farm it, and you can buy both from vendors). The frigate expeditions act as a passive money/item gathering/generation, and you can then just roll that income over into buying more frigates (up to a cap of 30). So instead of playing "wait for a free freighter" you can be farming earlier. And frigate expeditions are good money, in my opinion.

But if you ever get a message mid-expedition about a frigate being damaged, choose to recall it and just repair it when it gets back. Otherwise you may lose that frigate wholesale.

Whatever this is. I don't quite understand the mechanics. Apparently it comes with a frigate and the frigate does some shit for you? I tried to find the captain on the frigate but couldn't. I only had a minute.

View attachment 545649

I want to say that you had to run up the stairs from where your ship lands, and then wend your way up to the control room. I still do this sometimes, out of habit. IIRC that used to be the only way upstairs. But they've added a teleporter near where the ships land. Look around the landing area and you'll find a couple, then once you find them, it will just become habit after a while.

You can also just not do freighters at all, but I would hate to lose the passive cash/item income.


<Gold Donor>
Frigates go on missions for you, you can hire a bunch of them. The dude standing in the center of your command deck gives out the missions, but you have to build a specific room in the base part of the freighter to access them.

There's a million things to do but very little direction. It's extremely sandboxy like Minecraft for example.
You have to set your own objectives. It's definitely not for everyone.
I only bought this a month or two ago and have done most of the things I can do now, but as I was reading the recent posts about "what do?" I was itching to post that it is basically the same thing as Minecraft. sakkath beat me to it, but yeah, other than some general guidelines (like in Minecraft, get to the nether, get to the end, kill the ender dragon, etc.) you just have to want to explore, build, collect, etc. Hell, I spent a couple of days zooming all over the galaxy trying to find a "paradise planet" that I could build my main base on. I spent another day or so finding a decent one to put my colony on. Found my perfect sentinel ship, my perfect living ship, etc. And my Steam name is Black Dynamite, so anything I name I actually spell out my name even though I don't have to, like, "Black Dynamite's so and so," just because it amuses me. My colony is Black Dynamite's Baby Momma House, my all white living ship is Black Dynamite's White She Devil, and so on. You gotta make your own amusement within the framework they give you.

I'm basically done now, even finished the fishing expedition that just came out (super easy, barely an inconvenience), but just like Minecraft I'll hop back on every few months and check out the new shit. Easily worth the 30 bucks I spent on it.
  • 1Worf
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That's fine. But are there interesting sandbox objectives and is the path to them engaging? Not seeing it yet but I'm giving it a real try. Up to 21 hours now.

Also, I just ran into the "You killed a few pirates, so here's your freighter and frigate!" LOL wtf is that?
They give you one after a few jobs. You can get better freighters, or if you somehow lucked out and got a good one, you can still upgrade it a lot.

Getting the Salvaged Fleet Units that buff your frigate fleet is really important. Those come from enemy frigates or sometimes friendly ones. Frigate expeditions are great sources of money and all sorts of rare materials, and sometimes your exploration frigates will stumble upon interesting worlds if you're playing while they're out on expedition. That's how I found 2 very rare planets with very rare creatures on them.