If you are that far in don’t you want to find a nice class M planet and build a base and settle down?
TLDR for most people. Still enjoying the miserable grinds in short.
I found a nice frozen one I am thinking about. It stays around -85F but like Rust, 7D2D and ARK I lived almost entirely in cold.
First off, for me having a ice/snowy world makes it so much easier to see everything and easier on my old tired eyes.
Second, in the hot summer a ice area in gaming seems good. Mostly I always go ice due to the fact that it is harsh to keep some new raiders away but that doesn't apply to NMS.
Planet is full of cobalt, copper and other crap too and my new multitool can blast through 2 cobalt nodes before overheating.
Still working on my exo. I think I am 38 main 7 tech and 15 expanded cargo slots now. I assume there is a cap some point. Still rocking the class a fighter 29 slot +49% damage but I seen a ship last night I want so bad for the low price of 110 million units.
Still haven't figured out the best way to store old ships other than to build a base. I'm sure I'm doing that wrong.
As for environments I use the advanced haz stuff, temp, radiation, toxic and I keep stacks of 500 oxygen, condensed carbon, mag ferite and stuff in the expanded cargo slots on the exo suit and every night restock it.
I don't mind long grindy games as I put time into a game anyways but I can see where many would not like that.
I've had a few bugs where I had to save via save point or ship exit and restart but no crashes. They need to patch in a soul though, but considering the amount of things generated, they done good to date fixing and adding free content.