So, this game is good now?
Here is the thing.
Many people like games like say Overwatch and willing to spend tons of money and time on it. For me a game like that or Rainbow Six is worth about $5 and 5 hours of playtime.
I don't judge though, but that is just what some people like. Many people hate grindy, survival, build and explore games.
I've spent thousands of hours in those games because that is what I do like, but if you generally dislike those types, you'll probably dislike this one.
It is a bit different though in that it doesn't wipe, unlike Rust where people spend weeks building up something to have a massive raid night or be raided and then start over every Thursday.
This does have many aspects in that you have land based building and a decent supply of building options, as well as basic crafting, resource collection, space battles, endless critters on planets, travel, exploration and fleet building and management and yes you will leave a mark in the world forever that someone someday may or may not cross. I've had 3 people pass through my discovered worlds so far that I am aware of.
So if those things are your thing, then I say yes it is worth the $24-30 sale prices. If they are not, stay far away and play something else instead.