It could be easier to get reasources if we grouped up and made an alliance

Here is the thing.So, this game is good now?
For PC, is Xbox 360 controller > m/kb?
For flying I bet controller is best, but everything else I say M+KB.
I agree withSo, this game is good now?
Ya I send out 4 groups and go on about my business. Check the communications/command rooms every hour or so to tell them to stop whining half the ship is blown up and get to work and go back to what you are doing. I've started trading in busted ships I found on planets for cheap C class with 20+ slots to use them for storage.Got a Freighter now (13M cost) and about 7 Frigates (1-2M each). Really enjoying the fleet aspect so far, sending frigate groups on missions and the like.
Do the frigates repair themselves over time? Mine was damaged during a mission and I can't find a way to fix it.
So I moved my base to a different planet and all sorts of problems started happening with my specialist quests which I cannot proceed. Doing some research this is a bug over a year old...fuck that. So my question is, I don't want to start over (over 30 hours in this guy), but are there any things that are gated behind these specialist quests or should I just start over. I probably will just put down the game for awhile if I'm shit out of luck.
I should have tagged you here with my post above. Simply delete the scientist terminal and save/exit, enter back in game and place it again in a slightly different spot. It will reset the quest to educating the beacon. If you had a bugged transmission tower, do it in a different base on a different part of the world, or a different world. If in space place a new one someplace elsewhere for it.So I moved my base to a different planet and all sorts of problems started happening with my specialist quests which I cannot proceed. Doing some research this is a bug over a year old...fuck that. So my question is, I don't want to start over (over 30 hours in this guy), but are there any things that are gated behind these specialist quests or should I just start over. I probably will just put down the game for awhile if I'm shit out of luck.
I should have tagged you here with my post above. Simply delete the scientist terminal and save/exit, enter back in game and place it again in a slightly different spot. It will reset the quest to educating the beacon. If you had a bugged transmission tower, do it in a different base on a different part of the world, or a different world. If in space place a new one someplace elsewhere for it.
Can confirm it fixed me. I went to a different system just to be safe, removed scientist station and placed it in the next spot beside it. He did the trying to educate beacon thing for 1.5-2 hours then asked me to remove his core and take to a monolith as I did before. When I came back, I got the circuit board recipe. Before I got lead and acid which is supposed to come much later.I'll give it a whirl later tonight. Thanks!