My base computer archives mission is to the point where the timer does 6hrs inbetween, does this quest ever end or just keeps unlocking unknown tech? I really want to tear down my base and only thing google leads me to is 50x posts about people who end up having their quest bugged.
As far as I know at the point you are at it is just a daily to get a random module as a reward. You have gotten all the rewards I think you can get from it that matter as far as I know.
They should really add a base terminal inside a ship since all the others can be. They all give repeating quests once you complete the main lines.
I need to finish my weapons station missions to confirm that as I am still missing 7 items from the 8 pages of craft stuff. 1 appears to be a flag, the others seem to be freighter or are after it.
I farmed myself up to a few hundred million units and beefed up my fighter with modules. It can now jump 800 light years per hop and only uses a fraction of warp fuel to do it now. Also have 3 shield, 3 pulse 3 hyperdrive( obviously ) and 3 positron modules along with the 2 scanners and 3 engines and a few other modules. Since my exotic has such high hyper base stats, I am going to hit it up next and see how far it goes. Still a long ways from the center and I don't think I want to ride the repeating Atlas there if I can get it down some more although as it is right now, 80 jumps would do it.
Right now I just jump into a wealthy, promising, booming or any other positive wording systems for better markets/selection. I knock out 20 or so missions between ship missions, guild, and quest guy in an hour or so. Grab modules I want to and off to the next. Farm my plants 2-3x a day and move on. Still lack a few crafting recipes but have most of the important ones to make big money from the farming.
NM just saw the test patch notes. Appears some blueprints were missing from the BP machine. Sad they are removing nanos as a reward for buried tech.
Lots of fixes for people with saves prior to Next too.
upcoming patch notes can be read here:
r/NoMansSkyTheGame - NEXT Experimental Branch 08/08
But while many things were fixed/added as in recipes and mission bugs, farming is getting a huge nerf if you play more than casually. Basically growing times are 10-20x longer than current. People with maxed out farming space were able to do 500+ million units a HOUR previously and I thought my 10 per hour was nutty.
Also found out I can dismiss frigates. On the management console hover over the frigate you want gone and hold the middle mouse button. It goes fast though so make sure you want it gone and the right one.