NMS is VERY wonky when you try to printscreen things. For example I tried a dozen times to show the module stats in the 2nd screenshot and while it showed on screen it never showed in paint.
Ok so the first thing I do is I have a massive plant farm, most do. I generally do poly fibres, heat capacitors, organic compounds and glass and so forth. If I see a mission with a cyro-pump reward I take it, and make a cyrogenic chamber. Better if it offers the chamber as a reward. That is 4.8 million credits sold instantly.
Getting your levels to the better missions is important.
Now the second phase and I do this with my exo and ship as well is module stacking.
See the outlines and colors, that means they are tied together as best as I can figure and offer a bonus. The 3 scanner ones in white at the bottom are all 32-37% scanner range and +6-9000 fauna and flora which means for every plant I scan it is currently at 56k and every animal depending on the agressions is 130-600,000 units( undiscovered ). This is instant cash back rewards.
You'll have to have module S's to do this which are sold in stations.
When you stack too many they flash red and you'll have to remove them until it does't. Generally it seems 3 or 4. I know the game says 3, but in some cases it seems like I can do 4, pending the item.
I am always bettering the weapon/shield/pulse drive ones on my ship and my scanner and mining ones in my multitool.
I go to a new station and buy up all the S modules and they usually run 430ish nanos each. Lots of times now they are not better than I have but they are always random in stats.
I think base speed on planets is around 159 units/s to fly around. My ship flies at around 300 units/s as pulse adds speed in atmosphere. The downside being the slowest I can go is like 36 instead of 20.
Last night I maxed my exo suit and my blueprints so drop pods and salvaged tech is no longer useful to me. Sells good though.
Sadly I still have my base is in space bug where it thinks the place I need to continue the base missions is a spot floating in space. I am missing 4 blueprints and I don't know a work around.
I'm still scratching my head as to why my suit can carry 5.5k more units than my base freighter can. I guess I'll upgrade the freighter tonight but I dread the move and not sure the best way to go about it. I assume I find the one I love but not buy and go back and tear down and stack my base/vaults into my 6 ships then sell and rebuild.
I've never had luck with games and quests. There is always issues and bugs so I forgive NMS for this. My issues run back to the 80s and Kings Quest and every single game in between.
I said it before but always keep Na+( sodium nitrate ) handy and when you are in trouble, punch tab and click the deflector shield twice. Instant recharge. Never get caught with your pants down. Even with full shields and +160% in shield modules and a shield bonus ship, I've still had capital ships one shot me a few times. I assume a crit.
One thing NMS could add that would be simple for them to do is say I hover over my pulse drive. It should but doesn't tell me the accumulations of the mods like mine would say something like +30% maneuverability +60% pulse power +33% boost + whatever ship bonus was.
This is typically what is in my 10 vaults. Each of these type of resources break down in the large refinery to make 250- of the main elements which you can then break down again.
Tritium while common in space is on many markets and you can buy 1000 for 8000 units or so. So I spend 16,000 units for 2000 and buy Di-hydrogen jelly as it is dirt cheap too. Each of those breaks down into 50 Di-hydrogen. For pennies you can make enough frigate fuel to conquer all 5 missions a night, which resets at 7pm CST I've noticed. You can also sell it. I haven't worked out the profits but it seems it sells for way more than it costs to buy the things to rework into it.
I may start anew come to think about it just so I can unscrew myself on my base missions and not be silly about planting and removing bases all over this time until that line is done.
NMS is afterall a journey and not where you end up. As I said, not a game for everyone.
Edit- I've unscrewed myself on the base computer missions by deleting all land bases and going to the one it says is my main base and building a new device in the old spot. Now the screwy part. Afking a few hours between each mission until I am past it.