It has to bug Lucas just a little bit, maybe, that every time he takes full control of a project, it turns into unmitigated, rancid, shit. That's literally his "mark" on Hollywood. I mean I understand he is insulated by billions of Disney Dollars and probably many more from raping the dreams of schoolboys while they sleep or something, but when it all boils down, the guy is a total hack. Like the biggest hack in movie history; I guess that counts.
He was so obsessed with "cementing his world before it fell apart" that he never developed beyond the writing ability of a middle school dropout and fostered the artistic vision of a sea cucumber. The guy is a raging success by everyone's standard's but his own. He wanted to make experimental sci-fi movies once he made it big, but never found the talent or the time to do so. Despite all of that, he's not the sell-out like everyone claims. To be a sell-OUT you need to have some integrity to start with. Even prostitutes "sell-out" on their first night, after that they become just like Lucas... whores.