These clones numbered less than a dozen, so probably not the same. I think they wrote two books for force unleashed. The second one is probably the only star wars book (outside of comics or childrens books) that I have purposely not read, because the first one was so bad. But I think I mentioned that before.
The book I was talking about is called riptide and is part of a short series (2 books so far) that had a time traveling jedi, from the ancient past. He had to wear a battery back to run his lightsaber because in his time, battery technology wasn't far enough along. He also came along with a shipload of some ore that enhanced dark side force powers. Other than those 2 things, it was good stuff. The way the second book ended, it seemed like there would be more in the series. There was a shipload of ancient sith loose in the galaxy, as well as some of the derranged clones and a new powerful force entity that had previously been imprisoned.