Oatmeal predicted this long ago with his Wookiee Jesus cartoon:
I like that design alot.
Smaug is going to be doing voice overs for Driver, ala James Earl Jones with vader!They honestly haven't said yet. Speculation is it's Serkis, Sydow, Driver, or Cumberbatch. I think it sounds like Driver doing an evil voice through some sort of voice machine. Vader + Emperor style.
He deserves it if for no other reason than having had to play second fiddle to Lena Dunham for the past few years.I like Adam Driver for some reason and I desperately want him to just kill this role so fucking hard and for it to launch his career into the stratosphere. idk why, his acting or affectations or maybe I just like dudes secretly.
I take it you haven't seen Prometheus then.The Matrix is the only sci-fi movie I've seen as an adult that gave me the same feeling of shock and awe that the original Star Wars did as a child. I'd love for something to do that again...
Nothing stole ep 1-2-3's thunder. They made a billion fucking dollars each.So back in 99, I remember being all excited for Episode 1. I was 21 years old, grew up on the original trilogy with all the toys(was only old enough to remember seeing Jedi in the theater). Then, The Matrix came out 2 months before Star Wars and blew my goddamn mind, it was a completely revolutionary take on sci-fi and effects, and 2 months later Star Wars Episode 1 looked silly in comparison.
What's going to show up next year to steal Star Wars Episode 7s thunder? I don't think it'll be the new Avengers, we all know what to expect there, shouldn't be any revolutionary surprises. The Matrix is the only sci-fi movie I've seen as an adult that gave me the same feeling of shock and awe that the original Star Wars did as a child. I'd love for something to do that again...
On the sole basis of profit movies like SW 1,2,3 and the Transformer series are seriously high quality movies.Nothing stole ep 1-2-3's thunder. They made a billion fucking dollars each.
2015 has a lot of great films. Looking forward to Bond, F&F 7, Minions, Vacation, Mad Max, Avengers, Terminator, Ted 2, Hot Tub Time Machine 2, etc...
I'm still several pages behind, but this is exactly what I thought too. I thought someone had done a fan-made trailer out of Spaceballs and was trolling me. Even the soccer ball droid didn't change that. The scenes after that assured me I was watching the right thing, but that has to be one of the worst first 10 seconds of a trailer (outside of it showing JarJar) that I could have come up with.Same.
Though, I half expected the guy at the beginning to look in the camera and say "We ain't found shit!"
Just a reminder of what fantastic dialogue we will be missing.This sequel will be better if only for the fact that George Lucas isn't writing it. Dude has a wooden ear for dialogue.
If this is the type of garbage you get from mining the EU, all of it can stay in the dumpster where it belongs. It's not going to ruin the movie for me, but there is no acceptable explanation for that retarded lightsaber.So that saber could bea Sith artifact, since we know this baddie is supposedly collecting them, such as the remains of Vader's mask. Maybe its a saber from a more primitive time. We know that EU sourcing would point to Sith being later adopters of lightsabers so theirs were behind the development curve at first since they stuck with physical blades for longer.
Not really sure how much is considered a spoiler in this thread. I guess that's a minor supposedly leaked plot point.
Nonetheless, its a fucking claymore, its main blade is longer. And look at the size of the handle, seems thicker, and nearly as long as Maul's double bladed saber handle.