Buzzfeed Editor
Do you remember that time the chinese empire expanded past the Caucasus? Me neither.
Replace China with Turkish/Any North African country.
I picked China because they are the most directly competitive with Western society, and Chinese expats tend to be a "competitive" minority in other countries. So of ALL the nationalities that is the one people should be most accepting of. But if you want to believe people are truly looking at this through an Anti-Colonial lens, which they are applying to a Bond film...Then lets go with Turks. Does it work differently? Nope. In fact its probably worse now.
To be fair, I have seen hundreds of chinese and hong kongese movies and I can't remember one off the top of my head which would have a caucasian protagonist other than The Great Wall (which is a co-production with the US) oh and Dragon Blade! Over the years I have seen many secondary characters or antagonists in the british administration of Hong-Kong or the colonial powers in China, but no protagonists... the closest I can think of is that biracial HK actor of the '90s whose name escapes me and whose ethnicity would sometime be a plot point...
Oh I don't think the Chinese would have an issue with it. This is purely a European/US bit of hypocrisy, so pretty much the Reee only starts when it spills into our modern critical eye. Ghost in a Shell for example, no Japanese person I knew had an issue with that. Because everyone understands if the Japanese adapt a Western property, its going to have Japanese leads, same with China. (Friend of mine raves about Chinese doing Shakespeare. He's literally a rent-a-white in China lol.) And I genuinely don't care, in fact, I think its great--I think one of the best parts of entertainment is watching your culture's stories reflected in other people, it does provide a unique look into the human condition to see that new perspective. But the hypocrisy on when this is "brave" and "amazing" and when its racism is intolerable. And frankly I'm just pissy I even care about this, 15 years ago when I saw Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin I didn't even blink, the idea that there were "rules" on race for what is literally role playing would have been considered absurd to me. But, here we are--a world where talented people are dropping ACTING parts for fear of not being the proper identity..(Its painful to even say, isn't it?)
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