Has anyone watched Killing Eve? It's on BBC and I think HBO?
It's the spy show the feminist robot from Solo adapted for TV (it was a book originally) and why she got hired as a Bond writer.
I've seen clips of it and the female lesbian spy seems like an amazing character well acted, totally crazy and immoral killing people. Flipping between perfect English accent for cover story then Russian accent as herself.
I feel like they should have gotten the actress and not the writer, but if the new 007 is basically the same as Bond, killing people with quips and sleeping with beautiful women, it could be fine?
I think what we fear is a politically correct diversity hire telling Bond off for being a dinosaur and being better than him in every way.
They could also go the route of her being a politically correct diversity hire who can't get the job done because she won't get dirty, that's probably the best case scenario and would win the culture war for us if a big franchise shits on the SJWs.
Yeah, it's not the wokeness, it is the guileless trodding on everything we hold dear.
Make your own original franchises and movies and TV shows and comics and market them to whomever is eating this stuff at the moment.
But stop fingering yourself into a frenzy remaking all of our sacred franchises into bastions of new speak and new religion.
Because when this keeps happening, it starts to look like you are doing this to preach to us, to show us the ills of our ways and convert us. There is NO OTHER REASON why the left would be piggy backing on popular fiction. The movies to date have been of marginal success at best, so thoughts of trying to PROFIT from woke versions of old franchises is off the mark.
This is purely Hollywood taking their retarded acceptance speeches about punching Nazis and equal representation and #metoo and putting them directly in the movies you USED to love so that hopefully you will see the light.
It is mostly failing, but destroying modern entertainment in the process. I mean, brainwashing the masses is working to a certain success for the left, look at old Tommy Robinson in the UK. He is going to prison purely because he is Tommy Robinson, and the common man there has been completely hornswaggled into thinking he's a racist Nazi. It's so easy to see through, but people don't even try.
Look at how successful #metoo was until it was manipulated for a feminist agenda against all men as everyone with a brain cell could have predicted.
Look at the west and how the word "islamophobia" has allowed that religion to be practically untouchable and allowed someone like Ilhan Omar to say outright anti-Semitic things with no repercussions.
Look at how Trump telling four retarded Congresswomen who said America is terrible and oppressive to look at their own countries of origin and compare is considered "racist" (omfg lol) and the Congress has "voted to codemn his racist comments".
Whooo, but I really, really digress. Sorry.