Frenzied Wombat
Potato del Grande
The black chick is ugly to boot. This is going to fail harder than Ghostbusters.
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We'll always have these two gems:
You Only Live Twice
- There's a hollowed out volcano lair with monorail, pirahna pool, spaceship capturing spaceship which is scouted out by Bond first on a mini-helicopter and then as a Japanese fisherman post RACE CHANGE OPERATION. Then he attacks it with ninjas.
They need to go back to that. Now it looked a bit goofy when they did a few things like that in Die Another Day like the invisible car and solarbeam satalite, but I'm sure they can work out a way to give us space battles again.
- There's the spacestation shooting genocide capsules at earth so all the models populating the spacestation can fuck the human race back into being. They go to it using Space Shuttles before the shuttle was invented and have a LAZER BATTLE IN SPACE.
I think what we fear is a politically correct diversity hire telling Bond off for being a dinosaur and being better than him in every way.
They could also go the route of her being a politically correct diversity hire who can't get the job done because she won't get dirty, that's probably the best case scenario and would win the culture war for us if a big franchise shits on the SJWs.
Logan & X-23 is a good point, shame they didn't use the character again.That's precisely what everyone fears. Its not hard to pass on the torch in a satisfying way, even if its given to a fundamentally different character. If you want a good example, X23 in Wolverine. The biggest, baddest, most super masculine character in Comic Movies passed the torch to a little girl--and I loved every second of it. Why? Because it felt very organic, it FELT like how everyone gets the torch passed from their parents to themselves--its a bitter sweet moment that takes a lot of trial and error, and ultimately forces you to deep sympathize with the people your parents were (Caveat being if you had good parents. Which, we're talking about characters the audience loves, so good parents is the reflection). If you can't evoke these same emotions, then attempting to pass the torch is not going to have the kind of impact that we can resonate with. Its going to be like watching a shitty brat rich kid who succeeds not because he's capable, but because the entire company was set up as a vehicle to allow him to succeed no matter how naive he was. (IE the most infuriating people on earth, super sheltered rich kids who believe they know more about the world than anyone and who are reaffirmed by ivory tower environments that are totally artificial but also impervious--IE like a warped movie world).
Bauahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahha!!! *gasp* Hahahahahahhhahaahahahaahah!!~!
Oh god this shit is getting silly.
Logan & X-23 is a good point, shame they didn't use the character again.
I never thought about it before, but now that you mention it, I would think that any good undercover agent would need to be about as plain jane middle of the road as humanly possible. There would have to be nothing notable about the person's appearance at all. You would want an everybody kind of person.As a practical matter why would you ever pick a black female as a globetrotting covert agent. Good luck sending her on a mission to eastern europe/russia, east asia, or muslim countries (now including parts of western europe). Joke all you want about Connery pretending to be a Jap but that's at least in the realm of possibility compared to this chic inflitrating any non-african terrorist group.
I never thought about it before, but now that you mention it, I would think that any good undercover agent would need to be about as plain jane middle of the road as humanly possible. There would have to be nothing notable about the person's appearance at all. You would want an everybody kind of person.
"We need an agent to infiltrate an Islamist terrorist group, which of our generic British guys shall we send?"I never thought about it before, but now that you mention it, I would think that any good undercover agent would need to be about as plain jane middle of the road as humanly possible. There would have to be nothing notable about the person's appearance at all. You would want an everybody kind of person.
"We need an agent to infiltrate an Islamist terrorist group, which of our generic British guys shall we send?"
"We need an agent to infiltrate an Islamist terrorist group, which of our generic British guys shall we send?"