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I asked the wife, and she said the characters in the red banner of the first video, don't say anything about nukes. It's along the lines of 'How Americans live'.
They are delicious.I am looking forward toward bird Tuesday.
Off the top of my head, Holodomor had more people die from famine than North Korea and that wasnt even a hundred years ago. Back in 1700s-1900s, the Bengal and Chinese famines took an average about 10 million people each time, they happened half a dozen times or so.That being said, North Korea, from a total deaths point of view, has experienced the worst famine in history. More Koreans have starved to death than Somalians. The average height of a North Korean is something like 3 inches shorter than South Korea because malnourishment is so rampant--it's actually worse than Africa. And yet fatty fat still lives. So, yeah....they believe it.
I imagine 10 million people in 1700s Bengal was proportionately a ton of people.I would imagine he's talking proportionately to their population.
eh fair enough.I don't really have a dog in the fight, but using hodj's link above, the Great Leap Forward resulted in approximately 5% of China's population starving if you assume it was 30 million people. During the Arduous March famine in North Korea it looks like it was in the 5-10% range as well. Apparently during the Great Irish Famine it was 12.5%. The Bengal famine of 1770 apparently was as high as a third of the population, which is pretty incredible.
It depends by which numbers you go by. "Officially" the NK famine ended in 98 with only 3 million dead. But most believe it actually continued to this day, only lessening during food aid deliveries for a few years. Some estimates I've read put it in the 8-10 million (Something like 30%+ of the current population). But it's hard to get accurate numbers because of the situation. (I did say total deaths, that was bad wording on my part.)Off the top of my head, Holodomor had more people die from famine than North Korea and that wasnt even a hundred years ago. Back in 1700s-1900s, the Bengal and Chinese famines took an average about 10 million people each time, they happened half a dozen times or so.
The thirty million figure, from everything I've read, is the accepted one. The problem with NK is we don't know, we can only estimate...but if the estimates are correct, it is far higher than the great leap proportionately. Though I did say total deaths (Late night bad language use, it's not the highest in total deaths).Even then, the mass starvations under Mao probably exceeded the North Korean famines per capita.
The exact number of famine deaths is difficult to determine, and estimates range from 18[4] to at least 42 million[5] people. Because of the uncertainties involved in estimating famine deaths caused by the Great Leap Forward or any famine, it is difficult to compare the severity of different famines. However if a mid estimate of 30 million deaths is accepted, the Great leap Forward was the deadliest famine in the history of China and in the history of the world.[45][52]
Ah I gotcha.I meant as a factor when 'ranking' starvation 'events/occurrences'. And I'm aware it isn't really relevant to NK with the political issues involved.
Yeah, the concentration camps they have over there are fucking insane. Its like Soviet era Gulags. They literally will have you work yourself to death, or work until you are physically unable to, and then kill you themselves. Women, children, whatever.The Party members tend to believe the propaganda until they hit their mid twenties then they start to see the lies but at that point, what can they do? They're party members, and therefore don't suffer as much as others, so they figure its as good as it can get.
The regular people in North Korea don't have any faith in their government any more, but if they try to do anything about it, like escape, or rebel, they and three generations of their family are imprisoned in the concentration camps, or executed outright. Its a very effective system (up to this point, it can't last forever) at keeping the people under control.
When things get real bad, the state just stops enforcing its laws on private marketplaces for awhile, so people can get high priced food from China, and that helps keep the pot from boiling over.
Just if you ever need to understand why North Korea stands today, just remember, if you fold a newspaper such that the crease falls on the face of Dear Leader or one of his Predecessors, you will go to a concentration camp. So will your mother and father, any brothers and sisters you have, any children you have, and any children any of the aforementioned have. For life.
Crazy talk. I'm sure someone stepped in and sold food to fill the void in the market. This sounds like another screwup from that tax loving liberal Obamajust read about the bengal famine of 1770 for the first time. Holy shit what a clusterfuck and an example of bad capitalism/ownership.
If anyone is interested, this is a really good interview with the only person to have ever escaped a North Korean prison camp, and then North Korea proper, aliveYeah, the concentration camps they have over there are fucking insane. Its like Soviet era Gulags. They literally will have you work yourself to death, or work until you are physically unable to, and then kill you themselves. Women, children, whatever.
The good news for them is they have held for 60 years. They havent held "strong" but they held. Its a shame too, given that 95% of North Koreans would behave exactly like their brethren from the south if given the chance. They would be a peaceful, technology addicted culture that wants nothing else than happiness. But instead the North's power structure takes advantage of their own population and oppresses any naysayers.