NSA has infiltrated this website

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
I'm sorry, not the Olympic Committee, that was crazy.

Let's see here, Putin is turning over the wealth of Russia to the descendants of the Romanovs who aren't really Romanovs because you read this on an English language site that proclaims to be the authority on Russian royal succession. But really the wealth is staying in Zurich, which is in Switzerland, which has sanctioned Russia in violation of their centuries old policy of neutrality over the current war. That's all a smoke screen which you and any other right-thinking individuals can dismiss out of hand though. With the wealth remaining in Switzerland, the new Russian Monarchy will have much easier control of it, naturally, so Putin is following the plan. The plan to give away Russia to fake Russian Royalty.

Furthermore, Putin is intentionally exhausting the military of Russia with this war because a military will be entirely superfluous in the new (but really old!) reality of Russian Ecclesiastical Monarchy. A state no longer needs its military to protect itself from enemies without and within, obviously, so Putin -with the blessing of the oligarchs, including the ones who make money off of the military, of course- is feeding all of it into the wood chipper that is the Ukraine War. Because we know how much equipment the Russians are losing there due to Ukrainian intelligence which has an ironclad track record when it comes to accuracy and lack of bias.

The Russian space industry is also an unfortunate victim, collateral damage really, of all of this. Even though for the last 20 years they were the only ones able to put American satellites into space because NASA was too busy spending money on ESG projects. Genius on NASA's part, to wait out the Russian Space industry bust out like this. Now those rubles that were launching rockets are sitting in Zurich along with the rest, in the impending control of the Imperial House of Russia, even though that's in Moscow and sanctioned.

Am I missing anything here? I feel like some piece of the puzzle might still be a little hazy...

I'm still iffy on the Trump Fiasco and Top Gun push-upping. Which Fiasco? There were a lot doncha know...


<Gold Donor>
Ramonovs and British Royals are related.

it's always sunny in philadelphia charlie GIF
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Sadre wants to never get out of the shaw after what I just read

Not that I will stop reading
June-ish? And I posted earlier. The "obsolete" thing.

You upvoted it I think originally heh.

But here we are!
Let's see here, Putin is turning over the wealth of Russia to the descendants of the Romanovs who aren't really Romanovs

Putin and his colleagues are handing over not a thing. They are protecting it. The Imperial House of Russia has strict rules about its "dynastic" rights. They argue that "pending state legislation otherwise" their law is distinct, independent, but cannot override, state law. So, if you get titled, you are under the jurisdiction of the IHR. The argument is this is the same rules for the ROC, and the two instititions are "co-equal" branches of the "heritage" clause of the existing Russian Constitution. Protected people.

So who gets the title? They are automatically conferred in many cases:


And as to this part
The plan to give away Russia to fake Russian Royalty.

As I've said, this is a wealth transfer.

Not to the Imperial House of Pancakes! To the list above. These are all "agents of Russian heritage." Those people become instantly untouchable with the passing of a few additional and relatively trivial laws in the Duma -- and note, membership in the Duma also automatically grants you title in the Imperial House. You are a colonel? You're also now officially recognized "heritage" (that is the legal term they are using!!) nobility, automatically. Heritage quests maybe?

Maybe the best document is this one:

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
June-ish? And I posted earlier. The "obsolete" thing.

You upvoted it I think originally heh.

But here we are!

Putin and his colleagues are handing over not a thing. They are protecting it. The Imperial House of Russia has strict rules about its "dynastic" rights. They argue that "pending state legislation otherwise" their law is distinct, independent, but cannot override, state law. So, if you get titled, you are under the jurisdiction of the IHR. The argument is this is the same rules for the ROC, and the two instititions are "co-equal" branches of the "heritage" clause of the existing Russian Constitution. Protected people.

So who gets the title? They are automatically conferred in many cases:


And as to this part

As I've said, this is a wealth transfer.

Not to the Imperial House of Pancakes! To the list above. These are all "agents of Russian heritage." Those people become instantly untouchable with the passing of a few additional and relatively trivial laws in the Duma -- and note, membership in the Duma also automatically grants you title in the Imperial House. You are a colonel? You're also now officially recognized "heritage" (that is the legal term they are using!!) nobility, automatically. Heritage quests maybe?

Maybe the best document is this one:
-Putin and his colleagues are protecting the wealth of Russia from who? The western powers? The Russian Oligarchs? Wall Street? Zurich? Davos? Brussels? London?

-What is the heritage clause of the Russian constitution? I brought up a pdf of their Constitution and searched on heritage and term only came up twice in 2 generic sentences with nothing to do of the subject of which you speak. The IHR and the ROC are co-equal branches of the Russian Gov? Not according to their constitution. What is this double-secret constitution that you're seeing this in, and who ratified it? When? Under what authority did they do so?

-A wealth transfer in the context in which you speak is a giveaway. If it wasn't, it would be an exchange: "you get the wealth, I get X." Right? It can't be theft, because Putin already has the money, or control of it at least, or he couldn't do anything with it, right? So, a transfer means he's giving it away, and you say to protect it for himself and his colleagues. If he wanted it protected, why wouldn't he just maintain the current status of it being under his control? Does Putin think himself incapable of protecting the wealth of Russia? What evidence do you have to reach THAT conclusion? Putin doesn't strike me as lacking self-confidence...

-"It makes those people untouchable". By who? Who's going to touch Lebedev now, where they wouldn't touch him after he's part of this new Russian Monarchy? The Russian Oligarchy? The NATO powers? Someone else? What does adding on the further accolade of "Royal" get for these people that they don't already have? Do you see what I mean here? If it's not raising up new people at the expense of the current people, what difference does it make what these people call themselves or what titles they put on their business cards?

I mean, it's nice that you've progressed to semi-complete sentences here bro, I'm genuinely proud of you. But are you CERTAIN that you're not just repeating the ravings of the Jaskers and Mr Soxes of different parts of the internet here?

Convince me.
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This is also tangentially related to "The Trump Fiasco" -which we're supposed to guess at which Fiasco you're referring to- but the mere existence of this Fiasco presumably proves your perspicacity and FoH's collective idiocy for not recognizing it and/or cheering on or facilitating it.

On *this* front, which FoH? This is a pretty robust message board forum post place. The "What are you listening to?" thread, all the diff personality types here, when it comes to music, makes for a non-dull playlist.

This life of sin I've gotten in, has got me back inprison once again
I used my only phone call to contact my daddy, I got 20 long years for that dust in a baggie.....

The cooking thread is a library. The sport Gravy-ness threads? Solid sports talk. Go Brownies.

So it's this part:
.... presumably proves your perspicacity and FoH's collective idiocy ...

No. Specific idiocy. Some forums, that get raw, are dominated with nasty stuff and you know it. And, the mods favor some of it.

First post of the politics thread. It starts pretty clear.

I want to leave it at that and not even name any words, parties, or names. Everyone knows what topics, what ideas, what colors. Searches can be done.


It's not "All these people are dumbies!" No, a finite set of ideas here are idiotic. And many people are either having fun shitposting using them or, they like them. Massive diff!

And here is something else. People can be dumb in one forum and smart in another. So that means, even if I listed the "ideas" (the details of the fiasco, lets say) that still is misleading, because depending on what forum I'm in, or thread even, what Y thought about X is irrelevant. Music threads here are imo first rate. No need to wander if you want to get some info on an unfamilar band or genre. Especially genre. There's a thread about it with thousands of hours of links ;)

So I apologize. A lot of this is on me. Crossed some lines. But just for the record, this lunatic here does not get off on being a putz. I like to cause trouble. I'm working on how judge-y I come across. You'll see.
who ratified it?
The Duma has ratified nothing. The only thing clear, is there is a great deal of autonomy granted to both the ROC and only one other party, this "Imperial House." That dissipated and then reformed, by magic, in 2014. And the current crew in on that legitimast.ru site. That has all the documents.

As to that law, I'll show you exaclty what the IHR *claims* but the Duma raises no peeps of objection. Here is the IHR argument in a nutshell

A wealth transfer in the context in which you speak is a giveaway.
No. Not just Russian oligarchs are terrified. That wealth is everywhere. The Swiss are terrified. But I think people know now. The titled people? The imperial family is one thing. The titled people are another. All these trillions become shielded by the argument that "dynastic privileges" make that wealth special. Just like Ukraine can't ask Russia to pay back retribution with a historic church in Moscow, Ukraine also (it will be argued) has no legal standing to the wealth of the Imperial House and its boyers.

This involves some land grabs eventually. Ancenstral land. Putin signed an executive order in 2015 to look into how such properties and rights could be defined.

See, the "state" does not disappear. It turns into something that can't be brought before a court of law.

That is the shielding part. And this is what the capital of the world, mixed in with the Russian trillions, is holding it's breath does not get touched. No capitalist wants Russian wealth to be locked up in whatever trials will befall ... the enlisted soliders. Those bastards are mega-fucked.
That's the squirrelly argument LLR. They argue the state already has a right to respect them in the current constitution. "Respect and Preserve."

Kow how the EPA works?

Imagine if you turned that on bloodlines....

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Bro, that legitamist site looks about as authoritative on law and tradition as the sovereign citizen movement here in the USA.

I've had people break that particular sect's philosophy down to me as: "The government/cops/judges/etc ignore the law and have a super secret set of ESOTERIC laws (Law of International Salvage, Law of the Sea while on Land, English Common Law that stops after 1743, etc) that they go by instead! This is why nothing makes sense, but if you invoke the SAME laws that they secretly go by, you will hack their system and be FREE!"

But, if you've ever had the pleasure of undergoing any procedure with the US judicial system it's more like: "The gov/cops/judges/etc ignore the law so they can instead do whatever they want regardless of the law as written. They do this because no one can or will stop them."

Why would anyone ignore one set of rules just to super strictly follow a different yet secret set of rules? Would they face any consequences from not following this secret ruleset? What would those be? Meted out by who? Sure seems like its simpler to just do what you want with no repercussions since they have that choice.

It's the same thing with that legitamist site. Whoever thinks that that is how power works is an idiot. Power comes from the end of a gun, or from wealth, or from extreme ideological fervor, or a mixture of all 3. Writing down some succession papers and then bringing people up out of nowhere while at the same time dissolving the military might that would enforce said papers is a recipe to get whoever does it killed. Specifically from the powerful people who kept their military force, wealth, and ideology intact.

As for the Pol thread, you get that the first post is sarcasm, right? That a lot of the pol thread was lost between forum moves from OG FoH to Morenetz to ReRolled to Current FoH? That the pol thread at that time was 95% in the tank for Obama and the dems right? That most of the people here on this forum voted for Obama twice? That it was things like the Trayvon Martin trial and the Michael Brown incident that started to turn people away from the left? I personally was never in that group since I've felt nothing but disdain to outright seething contempt towards the left for my entire life. But I was in the tiny minority here back then. Just go back through Lithose Lithose 's post history from 2013 on or so and see what kind of changes you can see. I bet that would serve you better than absorbing that Russian Royal succession nonsense. And I thought I already had a lot of useless knowledge rattling around in my head... sheesh.

But really, if you want to get a feel for the hands behind the curtain puppeteering world events, do some reading of Tom Luongo. He's a finance type so he comes at the situation from that angle, but he had a talk a few months back with Gonzalo Lira that's on youtube that did one of the best jobs of explaining what's really been driving the current crisis. IMO at least.
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I can't object. It's the damn shaw. ^^^^ But you better not start in with any of that granny business!

Yeah, https://www.firesofheaven.org/members/lightning-lord-rule.1103/ a lot of people know and dislike that particular little "invented family." But ehy are not their own thing. They are the current official version, according to Russia's current status quo.

Internally, Putin has favored and approved them. As I say, they are used to "humanize" the imperial idea, as well as in 2015, they were used to humanize the Crimean occupation. Also, "religious-ize" Russia's moves. It is also a fact that the ROC favors them. But of course they are janky. You tell me something in Russia that isn't.

Anyway, you see the web here. Likelihood? I give it a 5%. But, Putin has it ready as a domestic option.

Plus, if all the wealth of all the oligarchs gets transferred into the wealth of titled individuals within a dynastic system, with *purposely* obscure laws that are unfathomable to modern courts, well, if this turns out bad for Russia, and the courts and sanctions come for some people, it becomes much harder if this is all "Imperial" wealth, submerged under these so-called "dynastic laws" they go on about.

Their argument will be, that Russia's own constitution forbids them being harmed. All it takes is an "I do thus name thee" from you-know-who.

It's there. And I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be there. Maybe it's the Plan C.

I think an *indisuptable* fact is, no one who "really counts" ($$$ world) wants any of the Oligarch's wealth to be touched. It's in the system, the international system. From that perspective, this is why Zelensky always looks a bit irritated. He surely knows this. He will evict the Russians, yes. But he will not see a dime in reparations. That's not "Russian" money.

"That's not "Russian" money per se" describes the bind the world's financial and banking system is in. That's trillions of stolen money. Which makes no difference in Zurich.
*the current wealth holders are the new future "dukes" and "first earls" and so forth. No wealth technically changes a single hand. It gets transferred into a new state form, but with robes and crowns and instead of "Yuri" it's now "Lord Yuri of Rostov."

Black people

Too late for you Booze. You are the one who named the missing ingredient in all the... messed up, from my perspective ...posters.

Nothing wrong with talking about Black people. Not when you got chill.
As for the Pol thread, you get that the first post is sarcasm, right? That a lot of the pol thread was lost between forum moves from OG FoH to Morenetz to ReRolled to Current FoH?

That is where I fuck up. There are attitudes within attitudes here that I think I can just barge in on? You have to admit the posts get ugly. People talk about stomping trannies, LLR. I hope you can see where that might make me wince a bit. But, this is like an archaeology site here. I am not one of the originals, although I was friends with one of the original eq off-tanks for you guys, Elkay. Fucking around in the politics thread is actually a moot point now, I think. I suspect the new bots are going to alter what works and doesn't work as far as apost people would read, goes. The long digressions into pre-natal cardiology are obsolete.