NVidia GeForce RTX 30x0 cards


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Pure3D? Good card.

A quick Google search looks like that was the one. I only remember because it made me research where the name Canopus came from. Was trying to find a list of cards between 1997 - 1998 because I swear there was another one or maybe it was a friends card that hasn't been mentioned. Also remember the box for the Matrox Mystique bc of that creepy damn jester thing on it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I bought two voodoo 2 cards so I could SLI them, that allowed you to run up to 1024x768 res!!!

View attachment 309755

Voodoo 2 SLI represent! Must have been my senior year in high school or shortly after when I got SLI too. I was playing Thief TDP with 1 V2 and was disappointed in the frame rate despite my trusty Celeron 300a@450mhz so I decided at a spur of the moment to run to best buy and pick up a second card. Was totally worth it because it played buttery smooth from then on and I was a complete and total 3dfx fanboy from then on. Great cards, one time I had to remove the cards for some reason and I forgot the computer was still on, so I saw electrical arcing between the PCI slot and one of the cards when I pulled it out of the slot... but thankfully it wasn't damaged.


Molten Core Raider
First PC I had came with a S3 Virge. I think Jedi Knight a was the only game that even supported whatever trash 3D acceleration it had. Eventually got a voodoo 2 in there for quake 2.

Then quake 3 came out and culled the market of all the trash brands.


<Gold Donor>
Lol, just more "hay guyz this is just a normal launch lulz"

So a year or less after launching your new shiny flagship GPU's (of which almost nobody has managed to get a month after launch b/c Samsung suxxors), you're not only adding a 20GB model 3 months later, but a year later you plan to completely kill your flagship by moving to a better more efficient node?

This is the biggest clusterfuck launch I've ever seen in the graphics space, and that smug dbag MLID has been right on the money about this thing since jump street.

Bring on Big Navi, AMD will never have a better opportunity to capture market share than they have right now. Maybe they know that hence them taking their sweet time showing the goods.
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A Mod Real Quick
My tin foil theory is they always wanted to release a 20GB model on TSMC but something went wrong. Rather than delay the product further, they were able to push out a less powerful card and that's why it's "cheaper" than prices we expected after 20 series. They couldn't let AMD beat them out of the gate.

I wouldn't be surprised if this call was made mere months before launch


<Gold Donor>
My tin foil theory is they always wanted to release a 20GB model on TSMC but something went wrong. Rather than delay the product further, they were able to push out a less powerful card and that's why it's "cheaper" than prices we expected after 20 series. They couldn't let AMD beat them out of the gate.

I wouldn't be surprised if this call was made mere months before launch
Not a bad theory and aligns with board partners scrambling at the zero hour to get cards out the door and shipped. The whole thing could have been prevented had Nvidia not gotten greedy and just paid up for TSMC from the off, but this definitely sort of blew up in their faces. If the Big Navi release is within spitting distance of the 3080 and reasonably priced I'm selling my 3080. Kind of tired of the Nvidia schtick anyways and have had great success with my last 2 AMD CPU's. Think they're committed, finally, with getting the GPU right.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Everyone been pushing that AMD is having a launch in response to Nvidia. Sounds like Nvidia was trying to shovel something out to get ahead of whoever. Regardless the term "not smooth" pretty much sums it up.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Lol, just more "hay guyz this is just a normal launch lulz"

So a year or less after launching your new shiny flagship GPU's (of which almost nobody has managed to get a month after launch b/c Samsung suxxors), you're not only adding a 20GB model 3 months later, but a year later you plan to completely kill your flagship by moving to a better more efficient node?

This is the biggest clusterfuck launch I've ever seen in the graphics space, and that smug dbag MLID has been right on the money about this thing since jump street.

Bring on Big Navi, AMD will never have a better opportunity to capture market share than they have right now. Maybe they know that hence them taking their sweet time showing the goods.
Or the yields from the Samsung process just suck, and that's why there's so few boards available.

The idea that there's any significant efficiency difference between 8mm and 7mm when those are basically arbitrary numbers to begin with is very specious.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Everyone been pushing that AMD is having a launch in response to Nvidia. Sounds like Nvidia was trying to shovel something out to get ahead of whoever. Regardless the term "not smooth" pretty much sums it up.
"Shovel something out" doesn't really match up with the large performance uplift over the previous generation.

It has to come down to production yields.


A Mod Real Quick
Nah AMD has had their launch lined up for awhile. If anything nvidia launched in response to AMDs timeline
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<Bronze Donator>
Rather than delay the product further, they were able to push out a less powerful card and that's why it's "cheaper" than prices we expected after 20 series
Then the 3090 doesn't make sense. 15% more performance for double the price is only a smart move when you are trying to fleece your most loyal fans. But I bet they will be pissed If they find out the Titan with TSMC 7nm and double the RAM was kept back for later.


A Mod Real Quick
Then the 3090 doesn't make sense. 15% more performance for double the price is only a smart move when you are trying to fleece your most loyal fans. But I bet they will be pissed If they find out the Titan with TSMC 7nm and double the RAM was kept back for later.
You could've just stopped at "the 3090 doesn't make sense"


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Think I’ll just try for the AMD card if the reviews are ok. Never had one, maybe I’ll like it... if not ill wait til nvidia gets their shit together then move back over. If the AMD reviews suck idk, buy a used 1080 or something until the 30xx series gets it together.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The titan level of cards have never "made sense". They don't have to, it's pure enthusiast level faffery.


<Gold Donor>
I had AMDs in the 5850 era and then the 3080 I think it was. They did their job.

Edit: Oh and I got my kids the RX 480? And yeah that one sucked bad. Not sure if it was the card or the software but I rememebr my kids calling me in to see the fucked up and/or missing textures on shit in their games.


Vyemm Raider
BB had stock at 3pm - lasted less than 10min - they have an annoying queue system in place where you can click it and it say its in high demand and to try again lol


Silver Baronet of the Realm
According to Youtube larper Moores Law is Dead, Nvidia is artificially choking supply, and that they have many thousands of 3080's and 3090's ready to ship once Big Navi is closer to release.
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