No idea the mix of what’s in the container but $500k value is at most 1,000 cards if it was all 3070s, 330 cards if it was all 3090s.So that's what, 12 3090s?
500,000 graphics cards found in an abandoned container
The RTX 3070, 3080 and 3090 are still hard to find. A shortage favored by strong demand, excessively long production cycles and the global pandemic, which does not make things easier. Good news how…
Math doesn't add up on size of a container and the numbers. No clue on the source. That or they meant 500k in value not quantity.
It does suck. That’s why I’m going to buy a video card first, then go with the rest.Slow week here at work so my buddy and I are building my new pc while on the clock. I've got everything but a new graphics card and it sucks to be sticking a 1080 into this thing just to get it running after buying everything else new. Reminds me of those car model kits from the 80s that had the Ferrari body but a Volkswagen engine.
It doesn't justify it at all.Ive been watching this ATR Stonks discord thing for the last day or so for notifications of stuff. There's been a surprising amount of 3090s pop up at retail sites but no 3080s since I joined. Im still resisting the urge to try to buy a 3090 and be done with it but as time goes on Im afraid Ill just say fuck it. It's tough though, Im not sure the bump in performance justifies the bump in price.
I wouldnt doubt it and it definitely feels that way based off the number of 3090s and even the few 3070s Ive seen pop up as available recently. Kinda wished I hadnt decided to build a new pc in this weird spot between gpu releases.Everything has been more available than the 3080 - id almost say that the 3080 is being retooled/replaced by the upcoming 3080Ti and regular 3080 models will be in super low quantities.
I got lucky and got a 3070 and I’m happy I did now. I can run everything I play fully maxed out settings and get 90+ FPS. I’m totally fine saving a few hundred $ over the 3080 I was shooting for originally.That's a bummer. The expected 1k msrp for the 3080ti is more than I'm willing to spend. A 3070 is probably all I need anyway. At this point I just want to get whichever I can get my hands on at the retail price.
probably 3080ti announcement/pricing
probably 3080ti announcement/pricing