theyll never know
The worst part is the shot of her inside the coat as if the audience are as stupid as the imperials
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theyll never know
theyll never know
apparently at this base anything goes. you can just take over a security station without any documentation to be assigned there.are imperials even allowed to have beards lol
maybe a stormtrooper is like a great white shark, a bonk on the nose renders them unconscious!The one that really got me was the spy chick knocking out a stormtrooper by flaccidly slapping him on the top of his helmet. They are really not trying with the more physical elements of the show.
maybe a stormtrooper is like a great white shark, a bonk on the nose renders them unconscious!
The one that really got me was the spy chick knocking out a stormtrooper by flaccidly slapping him on the top of his helmet. They are really not trying with the more physical elements of the show.