Millie's Staff Member
It wasn't the lighsaber fight or Obi-Wan going Super Saiyan with a thousand rocks or Darth Vader unmasked, it was the 1 minute scene of Obi Wan and Darth just talking, the two acting their asses off, and you can feel how FUCKED up Obi-Wan feels about the whole thing while Anakin is just fueled by hate and rage, made slogging through 6 episodes of mostly bullshit worth it.
I'm sure in the future someone will recut this entire series into a single short movie, no Reva or Leia silly scenes, and it'll be a nice little 20 minute addition to Revenge of the Sith
well, he had several opportunities to kill OB1. he could have killed him on the mining planet, he let him get away. he could have pulled the transport back on the ground at the rebel base and killed OB1, he let him get away. he could have blasted him in space or pulled the transport in with a tractor beam or sent out tie fighters . he had the upper hand in their final duel to kill OB1, he opted out not to cut him in half when OB1 barrel rolled or did a spin or switched lightsaber from one hand to the other behind his back. he had the chance kill OB1 when he buried him with boulders, but he walked away. so many missed chances. he wasnt that angry. he was just a dumb bitch who wanted to "win" the argument. Vader was pathetic. and OB1 was so retarded with his force powers declining and then getting turboboosted at the final moments (when it wouldnt have been OP, because if he had those abilities at any other time it would not give females the chance to save the day.) when he thought of Leia. flashy lightsabers is always cool. i give it that, but again it was just stupid and OB1 letting Vader escape when he should have put him out of his misery and saved billions of lives in the future was a unforgivable mistake. if OB1 had just stayed on Tattooine as a hermit til Luke crossed his path, then yeah that could be forgiven, but him knowing what a monster Vader had become and still letting him slide was unbelievable.
but whatever, everyone says i should not ask questions, consume product and get hyped for next product. totally worth it. lol