Once Human


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
The game is definitely a mishmash of various games
That's good actually. More of these open world games should combine the shit that works from different games and ditch everything else.
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<Silver Donator>
I'm level 7 and, so far, I like the loot hunt. It's not a loot pinata game, but mild parkour chest hunting without being overly obnoxious.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I'm enjoying this game. I'm mid 20's and so far it's still fun for me. I do like a good base builder, and mixed with some looter/shooter it's right in my wheelhouse. The Palworld/Pokemon things is a nice touch too.

Sniper Rifles are OP and apparently I can hit people with a giant fish.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So my server got to phase 6 about a week ago and I decided to move over to hard mode since other people were as well.

The “wipe” mechanic isn’t that bad. Basically all your furniture and mods and special currency automatically comes with you. Everything else goes into your eternal land storage except memetic specialization stuff (so solar drills go poof). You then get 20000 points to xfer stuff from last server to the new server and you can do this at any time. So for example a fully upgraded 10/10 gun costs 10000 points, a calibration costs 1000 points, an advanced drill is like 3000 points, deviants are 800 points. However a 10/10 gun can’t even be used right away, so I brought a drill and chainsaw and some high level deviants to start and still have 11k points I can use. Next time I’ll probably just bring the drill and some deviants to start since the value of the chainsaw falls off and you can craft tier 1 chainsaws anyways the first week

Once on the new server, you can craft tier 1 versions of your prior blueprint gear and keep all your mods, so your power level even at level 1 is pretty high since you have set bonuses and mod effects. The mods won’t be fully unlocked stat wise until later gear tiers, but I was deleting shit with my shotgun build just fine

Hard servers biggest change (at least week 1) are some enemies are glowing blue (void) or yellow (balance). Certain damage types or weapons with cradle abilities will kill them, otherwise they take no damage. Enemies also swarm you more and do more damage. Your character also has to constantly drink and eat, which is super annoying especially early on. Also, you can pick a “fast” mode where you don’t have to redo most of the quests, you just go to “echoes” and it gives you all the xp and rewards you would have gotten anyways.

October will be the new pve map, so looking forward to that. But so far I am still in a relatively honeymoon stage with the game so I haven’t minded “starting over” since it wasn’t as punishing as I thought it would be
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Some news from their stream today

1) New PVP scenario comes out 9/26 - you pick a faction (rosetta or mayfly). they will try to balance factions. no gear/resource drop if you get ganked (which is fine IMO, gear drop just encourages hackers). Basically the main focus will be rare deviations will spawn in forced pvp areas - you have to snag them and bring them to a securement crate to get credit. There will be rewards i guess and some unique deviations

2) New PVE scenario comes out 10/17