Operation: Adebisi O'Mara


Here's the story.

We started daycare with this lady (at her house) back in June. Paid a two week deposit, signed a daycare lady contract.

My son wasn't used to daycare, so he was having a rough start. This daycare lady would call almost every other day and say how he was having a rough time, and she wasn't sure what to do. We figured he'd just get used to it. Before he could get used to it, daycare lady calls one day and says she doesn't know what to do anymore, and that she's "never asked a child to leave before." Obviously this lady is not capable of taking care of my son. I have to miss work (again) and I luck out and find him a spot at another awesome daycare down the street.

Here's where it gets hilarious via text:

Hey Daycare Lady- I hope all is going well. I have a question. Since little adebisi was not able to continue at your place, would I be able to get the remainder of our deposit back minus whatever we owe you for the last day of daycare he had.

Adebisi (a week later)
Hi Daycare Lady - did you get my message about the deposit?

Daycare Lady
I just wanted to apologize again that I couldn't do more for little adebisi ;( I'm happy to hear he's adjusting well with his new daycare: more people and a one room atmosphere really helps some children with a separation anxiety.
As for the deposit, in my contract it states that if you choose to pull your child for whatever reason and not give two weeks notice that you lose your deposit as that's pay that I bank on being there for when I do my budgeting. I put that in my contract to protect myself in case a child leaves and I'm without pay for two weeks.
I hope this doesn't cause any ill will as I think very highly of you guys but I try and separate business from anything else. HOWEVER, I can play back up date night daycare anytime I know the girls would have a blast.

"I've never asked a child to leave before but I just don't know what to do". This is the quote you gave Mrs Adebisi when you called us and told us that you could not take care of Little Adebisi. This was not us pulling our child from daycare and not giving two weeks notice. This was you informing us that you do not want to care for our child anymore.

I would ask again that you return our deposit minus the one day care you provided.

Daycare Lady
I give families two weeks notice to find alternate care. Just saying good luck and be off with you is something I don't do. I give written notice. You found care I believe the day after. ?
I tried everything with little adebisi.

You gave us no notice. You told us we had to come pick up little adebisi.
I had to miss work, multiple times.

Daycare Lady
Like other days I had to call as he was having a bad day.

This is all I will say about it. Please do the right thing

Daycare Lady
Threats ? I didnt realize this was such a huge problam since so much time has gone by. Have your lawyer contact me. I wont deal with a threat. Good night Adebisi.

So yeah. I'm sure the contract does indeed say what she says it said. But ... jesus christ, you suck.

Any small claims action you think? I'm in Ontario Canada BTW

PS: You like how she's all "THREATS???"
Sounds like you're a bad parent and self conscious about your own parenting skills.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Unleash the ReRolled tits for votes system. Show us some titties and get people to slander them anonymously over the internet. Beware of the potential for shenanigans though, as this can be a double edged sword once the sick fucks around here get involved like this.

Follow the Karmic Rule of Property Destruction. For the amount she screwed you out of, revisit on her three-fold. She dinged you for $300, screw her out of $900. Slash all her tires, ruin her siding with something that fucks up the paint, send in a fake order for one of those 12 foot long sub sandwiches and have it delivered to her during nap time, paint a giant swastika on her garage door during the night so that the parents see it when they go to drop off their kids then take a picture of it and post it on the net with a clever headline, throw some dead fish into her crawlspaces then report her to the health dept, etc etc. Get creative! (while not getting caught).


Sounds like you have a little demon beast of a child, no parenting skills, and the propensity to blame others for your problems. She deserves your money.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
You guys get the part where this is a 1 year old baby right? I don't think parenting style is a huge factor at this point.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
He's RRP'd I think. I'm interested in his stance on vaporizing around children.


FPS noob
thats kinda fucked up to put a 1 year old in daycare, don't you want your kid to grow up and become president or king of canada. first I'd suggest you dump your wife and remarry an asian, plenty up there in canada and you get free babysitting thanks to grandma flying over and living with you forever. if that is not an option, go on canadian welfare and stay at home, take care of your kid, and play mmos all day

best thing is just to ask yourself, what would heisenberg do


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
But he's in superdaycare now. Those ones run by an army of childcare pros. \He comes home happy every day and his caregivers are all hotties. It's pretty awesome.

So step 2 was to make my millions. I have big ideas my friends. Just need to execute.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
What is with all the Asians in Canada, Adebisi?


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
No Asians in my town, Soy. You're thinking of Toronto and Vancouver. Especially Vancouver.

Correction. I have Asians living across the street. Guess what business they own?

A nail salon. No seriously.

You visiting, Soy?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I was in Niagara and Toronto last weekend for my girlfriend's family reunion. She's Asian too, so you can imagine the fucking Asian-overload I was on. I was the only white boy in attendance. Most of her family members who live in Canada, though, are in Saskatoon.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
A whole lotta nuthing in Saskatoon. I'm about 100 miles from Niagara. Did they make you go to the casinos? Asians love casinos.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
No, we didn't go to any casinos. It's too bad. I wanted to play the "Are you mad you can't bet on yellow at the roulette table?"


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Don't tell me you just stared at the falls and left. After you look at the water running over the rocks, the next logical activity is to lose all your money at sic bo.

What did you do in Toronto? Did you watch the Jays lose?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
We did some touristy shit in Toronto. We went to some brewery with a train in the yard and went up in the CN Tower. Back in Niagara we did the Maid of the Mists and the falls crap, but we also did some of the speed boats in the rapids and that was fun as shit.