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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I don't understand the hitbox thing at all. It's just the rules of the game, why even complain about it? If you wanna play CS go play CS with all the other cyka blyats.


Trakanon Raider
I don't understand the hitbox thing at all. It's just the rules of the game, why even complain about it? If you wanna play CS go play CS with all the other cyka blyats.
Exactly. Lol I had a rep left calling me a casual mouthbreathing faggot for saying that the hitboxes were by design and that I didn't think they were bad game design since Blizzard wants to appeal to the masses. So you're a casual faggot if you like Overwatch being different. Seriously, if you are going to cry about hitboxes and shooter priority all day long, go play CS.

If the hitboxes or tick rate is a serious issue for anyone, you should just not play. Blizzard has almost no incentive to change any of it since the game is fun and popular as-is and hitboxes would dramatically change the feel of the game
Precisely. Get over it. You are going to die. Seagull says it best, eventually no matter how skilled you are, you're going to randomly die from something like Scatter Shot. It's part of the game. But it's a team game so you shouldn't' be raging so hard, if you are, you're probably playing it wrong or shouldn't be playing it at all. There are other FPS games for you. Overwatch is Overwatch.


Trakanon Raider
Yeesh level 168... I've been playing a couple hours every night since release and I'm still in the low 90's. I only solo q 99% of the time so I'm missing out on the 20% group xp bonus too.
I've seen a level 240 on Seagull's stream. Insane.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
When you learn the rules then everyone is on equal footing.
Other FPS don't have the same crazy mobility like this game, without more forgiving hitboxes you'd neuter some of the more precise heroes (snipers) or alienate a large casual audience.
I think it's fine. People want to solo carry matches but it really is a team game. RR groups tend to win so much more than random PUGs because people actually know what objectives are

Tick rate might be worth complaining about but for non-competitive it's fine. In higher MMR competitive games I can see where skill levels are at the point where 1 random death due to tick rate could swing a match.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'd argue tick rate has a bigger impact on low MMR / solo Q than coordinated play. In general coordinated play is about getting behind a Rein shield and executing. It isn't so much about popping corners trying to frag before they frag you.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I'd argue tick rate has a bigger impact on low MMR / solo Q than coordinated play. In general coordinated play is about getting behind a Rein shield and executing. It isn't so much about popping corners trying to frag before they frag you.
The nature of uncoordinated/low MMR play makes it not so bad since you're relying on luck and/or individual skill anyway. A random death(s) won't have much affect when it's chaos. In team play and at higher MMR it's going to be a lot different. Matches will be tighter, players will know when they can push advantages, etc. A random death could easily be the win for the other team whereas low MMR just means another run back to the fight from spawn without much else going on.


A Mod Real Quick
Just looking at my stats, my best game with Pharah ever is 20 Final Blows (30 eliminations) and 100% accuracy. Not even sure how that is possible.


The hitbox thing is just sloppy and bad coding. If you want a character to have an edge like that (right now it is hanzo and Zenyatta and... who else uses projectiles?), just make the projectiles auto track a bit. Or beef them up in other ways. Calling non hits a hit just pisses people off and is unnecessary.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Tick rate only even matters in extremely dynamic situations, where there's a lot of alternating fast movement. If people are moving in a remotely linear fashion, tick rate means nothing. And since you don't see people kind of "skipping" all over the place (which would happen if the tick rate wasn't fast enough to keep up with peoples actual movement vs. predicted movement) the tick rate is arguably fine.

Which is kind of surprising considering the amount of crazy movement and action in Overwatch, but it seems very smooth so far.

Edit: The hitbox thing isn't "lazy coding," it's design. It has a different effect than the other solutions you suggest AND it allows for them to better get their desired aesthetics and visual design without having to sacrifice it for gameplay. It's not something I would be happy about in blops or BF but this is neither of those games and it is fine in this instance.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The hitbox thing is just sloppy and bad coding.
I highly doubt it. Like people have said it was most likely a conscious decision. If Hanzo's arrow wasn't as forgiving as it is then he'd be even more trash tier and would rely even more on binary damage.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
The hitbox thing is just sloppy and bad coding. If you want a character to have an edge like that (right now it is hanzo and Zenyatta and... who else uses projectiles?), just make the projectiles auto track a bit. Or beef them up in other ways. Calling non hits a hit just pisses people off and is unnecessary.
It's not lazy coding. It's efficient. Auto-tracking projectiles is retarded.
Stop trying to sound smart with your "omg coding!" spiel. Nobody cares.
It's obviously intentional.


I play nightly with people that work there, and we all assumed it was a bug. The gif above is rather damning. Not to mention the countless box corner hits == kill deathcams I've watched in my 130 levels.

I'd be shocked if it was intentional. It is the kind of solution you'd expect from a budget title or a "my first fps" ludum dare game.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The gif looks like he was aimed right at Genji's head, though? I think it was posted more to highlight some of the frustrating BS Hanzo is capable of instead of bad hit detection.


A Mod Real Quick
This game is the most fun I've had in a game in many, many years - however, I just merely wanted to express what I believed were some potential problems with it. It's all shiny and new, but are people going to want to stick with this if hit boxes are so fucky? I don't know, maybe they will. I just wish some of the netcode and hit box stuff was tighter, personally.

It's nothing game-breaking to me per se, as I'm going to keep playing.

I could always go play CS:GO, but right now I much prefer the aesthetics and design of this game.


Molten Core Raider
Just give blizz time, I fully expect them to release a Ranked play and Tournament mode for OW, with the latter being a LAN-enabled high tick rate server for tournaments only, and probably with the more often used StopWatch way of determining winners, which is what the competitive community currently feels is the best way to determine victors on payload maps, instead of the janky "Sudden Death" stuff from Ranked where you are forced to play a random KOTH map to determine who should win, instead of the team that shitstomped the other one on both payload maps by a wide time margin, but just couldn't shut the other team out (this happens frequently in competitive where both teams are very skilled, as offense pushes can often snowball.)
There are downsides of course, I remember one match where 6 tracers delayed a Hollywood win for IDDQD I believe because they couldn't handle 6 blip-whizzing cheers-loving bumpkin tracers literally at the end of the map for a solid 2 minutes of contesting until StopWatch timer ruled they lost.

Since then, they made the respawn hallway much longer though so you can't just whiz out of the spawnroom in Hollywood final def point.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Its funny though this weekend for the GG tournament (at least NA -- I didn't really watch the EU) there were an absolutetonof full holds. The biggest gripe from comp teams is that 75% of the time both teams will secure the objective. But it felt like it was more 50/50 this weekend. I feel if the win rate is more 50/50 the KOTH sudden death becomes an extremely compelling ruleset. Possibly it was GG implementing 1 hero limit so you couldn't do some of the more broken hero stacking techniques to secure the objectives.


Molten Core Raider
Yea 1 hero limit is bad for Competitive. It invalidates almost all of the niche pick heros, and invalidates tons of the double comp lineups. 2 hero limit (if you want a limit) would be what I would cap it at - and really no one runs 3x of anything except sometimes Tracer/D.Va on final payload cap points just to stall out the timer a bit.

Down the road 1 hero limit would work if they had a hero pool of 80+ heros like other MOBAs have, but currently it's a terrible idea.
I'd love to see a mode where you can ban one hero from the 4 types for diversity, although you'd need more compelling heros in the pool to make it so it's not a no-brainer DPS-Widow / Support-Mercy / Tank-Reinhardt / Defense-??? type of ban stuff. And as I thought about that, it made me realize how fairly well balanced the defense class heros are. None bring so much to the table that they are auto includes. Junkrat, Mei, Hanzo all have their strengths, but have outplay potential. Bastion and Torb also are niche. Blizz really needs to look at how they designed those heros and put as much thought into their other roles.

It also helps that Defense heros have the most robust lineup - with DPS coming in 2nd and then Tanks/Supports having only 4/ea.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'd actually argue 1 hero lead to more diversity. I saw more Genji, 76, Pharah this weekend than I've seen in a long time. And a surprisingly little amount of Lucio. I wonder if that is because of no double McCree and Lucio being crucial in offensive high noon positioning.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not that one, that's Krovvy, he doesn't need any hitbox help

This one:Hanzo shoots through walls GIF | Create, Discover and Share on Gfycat
Ah ok. I think that may be more about Hanzo's projectile having a tree-trunk sized collision detection. He used to be able to actually frag if his arrow landed in a wall. Not sure if they fixed that one or not. Like I said if Hanzo's detection wasn't generous they'd have to basically make him 1-shot everyone even on body shots because his damage would be even more feast or famine.