Are you clicking on another window as it's loading? Seems like if I go to my other monitor right after i click play, it will start up in windowed. alt-enter will put it back full screen.Every few times I load up overwatch it defaults to window mode, I don't know why.
Does anyone else have this issue? It also sets the resolution to 1920x1080(99*) despite me putting it at (144). The resolution only changes when the window mode changes.
May 24
It sounds like there may be a permissions issue with the settings file. Try right clicking on the launcher and select the "Run as admin" option. See if you're able to save changes after doing that.
If not, Chronik1130's suggestion is a good one. Deleting the file will allow the game to recreate it with default permission settings.
The settings file should be located in your Documents folder, not the game directory. The default path would be:
Thanks I'll check it outFrom the official forums, blue posts.
I tried to use the quick snipe method and I just found it to be a burden. I'm glad it's gone.Yeah you need to land 4/6 to kill a 200 HP hero with flash + fan. That may be a bit much. Happy with the Widow nerfs. I'm glad they gave her increased crit multi. Let godlike Widows continue to dominate games but stop letting shit Widows dominate them as well. Also no one is talking about the fact that it sounds like they got rid of Widow's spamming alt-fire to enter snipe so much faster (eg; quickscope) which seems like a huge change as well. Makes her much, much less mobile while trying to land skirmish level snipes.