Hanzo needs help, but he does provide a certain aspect of defense and offense that cant really be fulfilled by Widow. His ult . I think everyone can agree on that, a good Hanzo player who stays on fire is going to get quite a few ults and that dragon can really affect the game.
Outside of that his ricochet arrow is also something that provides him with a unique edge that Widow cant match, so given his added ability to kill multliple targets he can affect games. Im not pro, so perhaps at the highest levels he is overlooked but the reality is most players arent pro, so the experience your having is much different than theirs. So you will see Hanzos shit ones and good. What Krovvy does with Hanzo is fucking disgusting, saying he is absolutely garbage isnt true IMO>
Despite being able to pull miracles and/or do good things with him and the extensive amount of time I have spent on him.. I can still tell he is not good as a character atm. Everyone has their different reasoning's to why hes "garbage." Some are from bad experiences, and some are from the standpoint of high-level play. What ever the case may be, he is amongst the few that are very, uhh not so good, in the game. Zenyatta and D.va being some of the others. Thats not to say that players can't wreck shop or do gods work with them, I have seen both Zens and D.va's strike fear into my team; sometimes yelling fucking discord or this fucking dva... but that doesn't make them a good champion, just the person playing them.
He seriously just needs the slightest of adjustments for a better quality of life. I mean it could range from anything really and there is nothing major that has to be done honestly. His ult is perfectly fine, it has enough time to give the other team to move and it works really well with other champions like Zarya or clearing a path/relieving stress for your team. His ricochet is wonky because of how terrain is in this game, its damage is fine and the challenge it takes to land solid scattershots are there. I can't tell you how many times i've tried to bank a shot off a door frame only to see the shot bounce the opposite direction.. same goes with curbs, fuck curbs.
The only things I could honestly see needing a buff is either.
His movement speed, its extremely slow and you get punished for trying to fight a sticky situation. Ie, if a Rein is in your face.. its going to be rare that you win that fight but with his current movement speed.. you can't even out run him.. and no wall climb hardly ever helps.. meanwhile you have Genji who can freely double jump dash and create massive distances. Widow, she can also create massive distance with her grappling. Someone like Mei can either iceblock, or wall her way out. Junkrat can bounce out or trap. 76 can sprint. Tracer dash, or time skip. Pharah boost and over. McCree roll/stun. Reaper invulnerability.. but Hanzo.. he climbs up a fucking wall, and not fast either. Nor is it smooth.. I couldn't tell you how many times i've run up to a wall hit jump and i'm just jumping at a wall like an absolute retard to get beat down by something else. While Genji on the otherhand can flip around dash, grab onto a wall, climb and continue to do Genji things. Even so, both Genji and Widow have edge tech that sends them launching into the fucking air.. what does Hanzo do, he climbs a wall.
ex of edge tech. I'm sure you've seen a Widow do it for trick shots.
Even if changing his running movement speed isn't the right answer, at the very least the idea of being able to do wall transfers as Hanzo would be good enough for solid ability to be more juke oriented. As it currently stands, only thing you can really do running up a wall is hope they're too stupid to look up or run up a wall jump on to the other side and as they run to that side you do the same thing over until something eventually happens.
The only other thing I can think of is increasing the low-mid crit damage. The amount of dinks that happen when you're in a shitty situation is all the more infuriating. Not only do your shots have a much shittier arch at the lower ends of your pull, the damage is abysmal. I'm not saying he should one-tap w/ quick click, but currently at a close engagement only a 100% pull will one tap. They should atleast increase it to a 75% pull for a one tap and go down from there.
But all in all, people are fixated on a Hanzo being able to throw arrows down a straight at a headshot line, and land those headshots because more than not.. you're running into em.