Just finished my placements. Felt like all ten were pretty decent games -- maybe one or two were over a little quick but sometimes that's just how it goes. I like comp more than QP since I care about playing well more. What expectations did you have for S1 ranked that were not met?
My placement matches were actually pretty good, even though I went 4-6. I felt like I had good teams and even the losses weren't bad losses. I never thought I was awesome, just average, and the games were clearly better than quick play. Ended up at 48. Seemed fair. Right after qualifying my first two games had non-ranked people in them and we got blown out. After it dropped me 2 ranks I lost something like 10 more games in a row, all with me being the best player the team, most of the time by a large margin. All of them my teammates were not good. In two of them I was top in
damageas Lucio and another was most elims as Mercy. Now I'm sitting at 38, which puts me, according to MasterOverwatch, worse than 96% of the people playing the game and that's just bullshit. Like I said I'm not the best player, but I'm sure as hell not that bad and certainly not as bad as the people I'm playing with in these games. I'm not kidding when I say the experience has been worse than quick play. They don't even know comps or counters, they never switch classes, etc. I'd say 2/3 of my games my team hasn't been able to capture the first objective on any map, it's brutal. I can count on one hand how many people have used a mic or communicated in chat.
There is something seriously wrong with solo queue in the bottom half of ranked and the way they calculate where you belong. And if you happen to drop it just gets worse and worse. Either I'm ranked too low or these people are ranked too high, and I don't see how in the world I can be solely responsible for my MMR when I'm playing with people like this. I'm not good enough to carry and I know for a fact that whatever system they have setup just goes off of wins and losses. When the enemy team points out that my team sucked but I did well, I get 8 votes, but still lose a full level there is no way performance is counted. It doesn't matter how good you play if your team loses and if you win you get shit for rank even if no one leaves.
I've played plenty of ranked ladders in other games, I've never experienced anything like this.