Competitive has expanded my roster cause I hate losing. In QP I'd normally chill on 1 guy but I'm playing 4-6 heroes a match now. Still avoiding Genji/Tracer/McCree in Competitive, just not good with them. Played Lucio a couple times even though I never support. Will play Roadhog/Zarya/D'va, never got into Reinhardt... I am really bad at Rein for some reason, probably too team reliant for me.
Just played a mid-day game on Nepal, went 5 rounds, Reaper(Village) -W > Reaper/Pharah/D'Va (Sanctum) -L > 76(Shrine) -W > Pharah(Sanctum) -L > 76(Shrine) -W... 45% kill participation with 60 elims, 4 gold medals, enemy team praised my Reaper on the 1st map, went 12 elims 0 deaths ... but then I died 3x in a row next map and swapped him out lol
Love the 5-rounders cause means it was a pretty decent game.
Only thing that aggravates me a bit is when someone won't hero swap because "I'm gold elims". Had 2x tracers in a match that weren't doing much, 1 swapped and the other wouldn't because "gold elims huehuehue". Yea, gold elims but most were just spray-and-pray assists.
Also playing a lot of Mei and Junkrat on defense. Don't tell McFly though, he hates Mei on his team
Stalling with Mei has won me so many matches. In Competitive it's all about distance & time. Keeping the payload from moving very far ups your team's chances of winning significantly. I love Junkrat on Defense on Hanamura at Point A, and other situations as well, but I find his pressure to be insane at the door.