Yeah leavers in the sub 40 group seem pretty bad. My friend is a bit of a tilter (doesnt know when to quit) and went from 50 to 38 in the last coupla days, was complaining that the groups were a lot worse so he let me play a few on his account to see. First game, offensive toblerone the entire game, did absolutely nothing. Next game, we win first point on route 66 (a widow was just standing shooting me on 20 hp, not even sniping just shooting in the open), and after they wipe their entire team leaves except two people. Just absolutely unreal how quickly people seem to give up, and no-one enjoys that shit. Next few games were fine for leavers, but massive amount of salt and people telling other people what classes to play when their ever-so-confident choices were bullshit. We had a zen on offense and I was gonna ask him to change it up but everyone seems so prickly and uncompromising i just said fuck it and ran lucio myself, and we totally coasted to victory. Id wager if the people stuck in lower ratings made intelligent choices to the powerful meta picks and got their team to do the same, that alone would be enough to get them out of that bracket. But no, that hanzo isn't gonna play itself eh.
Yea this is common in every single game with a ranked queue. The lower you go, the more ragers/leavers/etc. But this makes it easier to carry games as a Solo player too since if you can more easily "tilt" someone on enemy team. Focus in on an enemy and just keep killing on sight, that's 100% guaranteed way to tilt a lower ranked player. Tilt is your friend at lower ranks. Chances are they'll continue fucking up, or will just leave.
I posted 2 weeks ago about my own night of tilt where I dropped 7 ranks (49 to 42). I was playing on 4 hours sleep and had been awake for close to 20 hours. Not the best idea
But in exactly 14 days I've gained 16 ranks, all Solo. Since that one night I decided to be more reasonable with the times I play... try to be rested, not stressed, have clear state-of-mind. I also cut back how many I play, some days only playing 0-2 games.
Not sure what Blizzard is thinking with Attackers vs Defenders. Looking at the Masteroverwatch combat logs for seasonal play shows only 2 defenders (Bastion and Junkrat) average more damage than attackers. They're following closely by Pharah, Soldier, Reaper, and Roadhog. Whats the point of being a defender if the attackers can out damage you and often have better mobility. I just don't know sometimes...
As someone else mentioned, most of the defenders are about zone control. You don't need to outright kill people, you just need to pressure them and focus on thwarting their big pushes. I played Junkrat, Mei, and Torb last night on successful defenses 3 separate occasions. Junkrat provides insane pressure, but it's not as focused. Reason he tops damage charts is obvious. The splash damage racks up quickly, but he's still very squishy and needs some backup to stay alive. If enemies get past the choke you may have a tough time as a Junkrat.
I played Torb because my team only had to hold Point A to win Hollywood, we already pushed cart to end, so going Torb meant enemy team needed an extra objective to deal with (kill turret). Forcing enemy team to split focus means you can more easily thwart their advances. And when I play Torb I go the Seagull approach: drop turret somewhere and then get in their face. I don't stand back hammering away at my turret. When it dies I build it somewhere else. Then get back to the frontlines. Torb's attacks do crazy damage.
Mei also lacks in the damage department, but she eats up so much of the clock that it can mean wins. Went to Sudden Death on Route 66 and had to defend. Enemy team took point A rather easily first time around when I was on a different hero (Junkrat). Went Mei for Sudden Death simply to eat up as much clock as possible. Only 1:45 on the clock for Sudden Death so it's not too difficult, just have to hope your team wipes them once. We did and I walled off their advances to get back to cart... her wall and Ult are huge Zone control tools. I'm always walling off paths and forcing enemies into chokes.
So yea, imo the defensive heroes have no issues at all.