I really wish they released a unranked comp queue, cause i like the idea of QP being cheesy and stupid. But I really don't want to #findscrim all day to just play with competitive ruleset.
That said, I'm not going to be able to get use to having to compete for my Hanzo position now. Climbed to 76 with more than 90% on Hanzo, stats got dampened by the McCree update but still. If Hanzos are giving you the business, reaper, dva, pharah, widow, and kinda sorta rein should be able to give Hanzo the business. Tracee/genji can, but i feel too much is going on for them to focus the Hanzo asap. Widow is still a good pick against him, just will get pooped on by aggression. Winston is decent, but if it's a relatively good Hanzo, you're gonna have to play a smart Winston.