The actual footage looks like her invis is actually a real invis, not a predator invis, which is pretty interesting balance wise. Wonder if it has a noticeable sound when you cast it like Reaper teleport, so you can spray randomly to try to catch her while she's flanking. Her damage in the video seems also very high but not sure what's the setup and shit. I assume she has massive drop off similar to Tracer and the way she plays, she seems fairly similar but with a lot more utility versus the damage of pulse bomb. Although tbh EMP would do more "damage" against a Lucio ult than Pulse bomb would I'd say, and on top of that it drops Rein's shield and prevent any other random shittiness. Her teleport looks pretty solid also, projectile seems slow so you won't be able to like instantly get out of shit situations like Tracer can with Rewind unless you setup beforehand, but it allows her vertical movement for flank routes that Tracer can't use usually. Wonder how long it lasts.
And I guess she'll be popular on console to fuck with Torbjorn/Bastion, if they're still a thing.