Sadly, you can't hack the hacks anyway, so not really. The healthpack hacking shit looks retarded, it lasts a minute, you can hack as many as you want(well technically there's a cd so ~5healthpacks max), hacking the packs is very powerful against the enemy and also renders some of the lower damage output heroes useless in a 1vs1(like winston or no charge zarya can't kill you if you're standing on a hacked healthpack, they simply don't have the damage, that's pretty dumb design imo) and there is no way to counter it short of killing Somba before she hacks stuff cause it persists through death and you can't hack a hacked healthpack back.
I'm personally kinda fine with the rest of the kit but the healthpack stuff looks dumb as shit imo.
Oh and hack cd is 12secs btw, duration is like 5-6 on players I think? But you can interupt her before she hacks you if you notice her. Her teleport and stealth are on 6secs each, cd starts when she comes out of stealth/teleport. Teleport duration is 15secs.