Even after about 8 hours or so with her on PTR+Live, I still use her teleport badly. I either forget to put it somewhere, or put it somewhere but timer runs out and I don't notice and try to TP out and nothing happens or I just throw the teleport 5 feet in front of me.
Now, it doesn't happen as often as it did in the beginning, but it's still the aspect that I find the hardest to master.
Also seeing some people play her...I realize I'm not very creative on where to put it, I use it very defensively to get out of trouble...saw a few people using it very aggressively.
Other than those few moments here and there where I mess up with the TP...I think I'm pretty solid with her. I don't have problem hacking people, I got that down to an art form. and I think I have the hacking health pack down pretty well...which to hack, when to go back and refresh it.