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holy wall ride and boops
I played against him once or twice. He was always on fucking pillars and shit, but I just McCree'd him down most of the time.
holy wall ride and boops
Well yeah but the point of the video was kinda to say you can do this shit on PC just as you do on consoles, because just like on consoles, it's fairly easy to not notice Lucio wall riding when he's like above you, limited field of vision and all. The non boop kills are like whatever.Yeah people are somewhat over reacting to the video. It is 5 minutes of gameplay highlights in probably 120+ hours.
I thought that video was him playing on PC because he wanted to prove he can rank up on a PC?
This. Drives. Me. Nuts.non-obvious skillcap of Lucio.
This. Drives. Me. Nuts.
I main hanzo, w/e, I can dps as pretty much all hit scans at the same variance. I sometimes don't get the role, its fine. I don't play many tanks, so I usually go road but when i'm flexed onto a healer and hear "Play Lucio, hes easy." I'm at a loss for words when i'm playing him, i'm blown away at how difficult it is. I can 100%'d Jet Set Radio and Tony Hawk, but I can't find my grove for Lucio and boop people properly. Obv takes practice, but there is a skill level there that I just don't posses. I can Ana/zen 20x better. I also suck with Mercy, its pretty funny actually.
Solid advice, but it's an issue at my core. I could easily reconfigure, but its always a sense of don't fix what doesn't work. I just get to, uhh, want to kill you mode? and if mercy was hit scan, it would be all over but the projectiles suck dick at far engagements that you spent most of your time hiding, and I don't have the ability to trust my teammates when it comes to dps. Not that sometimes they can't do good/better, but often times i'm really mentally critical of their performance and get stuck on the fixation of knowing I can do more.I played lot of TF2 medic which is very similar, mercy u basically need to be aware of ur surroundings n keep out of los of the bad guys while healing ur main tank or lesser plebs. U don't cling to ur healing target u keep max distance to help avoid line of sight of bad guys imo. Keep eye out for a far away team mate u can fly to incase u get attacked/lured. Dmg boost is good for ultimates otherwise I don't boost a lot. I'm only 2700 rating thoshe's pretty boring compared to hanzo or Ana.
The game does a good job with mmr and putting you where you need to be. Just learn to mute people.I played this a bunch this weekend and am sort of on the fence whether to buy it. I got to ~14 just doing QP and all lucio because he seemed the most fun/interesting and knocking people off ledges is ridiculous. Thing is I don't think I'm particularly "good" at these games. I'm not awful and I don't do dumb stuff and sort of get the flow of the game/almost always get 2-4 medals but I have like this feeling that I'll start competitive and get crushed? Did anyone who started feel this way/wind up like that?