Yeah I'll have to check out my DPI and sensitivity. I think I'm at about 5 sensitivity and 1500 XDPI (not sure if I need to enable Y DPI, havent really educated myself on it). My corsair scimitar can go up to 3k 6k or 9k.. I might configure it to go from 1500 to 2500 etc smaller jumps. I've noticed higher dpi helps me on soldier.
As for controls.. I've got spacebar set for jump on lucio, mouse wheel down to switch heal to speed on lucio. mouse4 (thumb) for melee. On mercy I use spacebar to fly to people, and thumb button to hover. Zenyatta I use spacebar to throw heal orbs.. tbh I just realized you could have separate controls per class rofl but its definitely handy. Didnt know we could do sensitivity too, might start messing with that.
I also noticed that lot of my comp losses are due to bad dps, we'll have greeat heals and tanks but if dps aren't killin it then its game over. Although sometimes our tanks are badass dps and carry it.
Been playing with 3500ish rated people, been loads of fun. I know one of our dps runs around with fucking 20 sensitivity, and it works for him. Plays roadhog, soldier, and reaper.