Then qp was broken this morning. I didn't get the new map.Every quickplay is only the new map. I thought the same thing then was butthurt when custom games wouldn't launch. It's weird because the last map launch, Eichenwalde, was purposefully on a brawl that was just that map. Is weird, mang.
welcome to quick play! lol People picking sombra on defense. Its been really bad, but i been doing good in all but 2 of my matches. So we will see where i get placed. gotten 3 golds in 4 of the 6 i have played so far, 1-5. People still thinking they are good with Sombra and no one is wanting to play offensive characters tonight. Just mei and junkrat.LOL
Well, gives me some hope. My placement matches started out good and individually I have been strong in them, but now I'm just getting matches with people picking widow on night market and junkrat+sym picks vs team with pharah ;/
The system really does seem broken. There are definitely some decent players in low 2000's, certainly some shit ones as well, but there are people who play as a team and do all the right things and get stuck in this silver/gold death spiral. I was hoping that this new season would reshuffle the deck and put the truly bad players in bronze where they belong, but it doesn't seem like that's the case. I think it would be an interesting experiment to just buy a second box and see how a fresh placement looks. It would definitely confirm or deny for certain the concept that your skill is whatever your MMR says it is.
Reading reddit this seems about on par with what most people are seeing. Ranking several hundred below end of season. I'd bet unless you're at the far end of either spectrum it will put you lower so you see more games and hit your true mmr.My season high for S1 was 61 and S2 I was 3102. Finished 3-7 placement, it put me at 2318 gold ;(
There's been tons of studies done on MMR/Competitive rankings in games at this point (now that there's a lot more money involved), and unless Blizzard make up a completely unique system & algorithm, the ranking system is going to be accurate 99.99999999999% of the time. Most of the perceptions to the contrary are humans being humans. Even at the most fundamental level, in a team-based multiplayer game, it makes no sense to say you aren't where you should be after a lot of games because if you're better then the other players at your level you WILL eventually climb because the enemy team has 6 randos, and yours (at most) has 5.
One of the main problems with the way that games do ranking now is the dumb presentation of it - the front-end numbers that you see in League, for example, have next to no correlation with the back-end numbers in a LOT of cases until you play dozens and dozens of games. In OW, the number fluctuates up and down a lot - further making the numbers seem kind of arbitrary. Combine that with the human tendancies of seeing patterns where there are none, bad experiences standing out more than positive or neutral ones, the required games to really achieve "your rank", and the actual fluctuation of personal skill, and you have a whole mess of people not believing what is ultimately very simple math.