Man its all young kids playing today. Super trolly.
School is out...
Im slowly dropping too. Some guy threw the game because we wouldn't let him play reaper. He said it was the only hero he knew how to play...I'm down about 300 points since yesterday![]()
Im slowly dropping too. Some guy threw the game because we wouldn't let him play reaper. He said it was the only hero he knew how to play...
They shouldn't let people Competitive if they don't have at least 5 hours played on at least 3 heroes.
Got this yesterday, but the kid was crying about dvaIm slowly dropping too. Some guy threw the game because we wouldn't let him play reaper. He said it was the only hero he knew how to play...
1100 is crazy low damn. What were you last season? Typically people are being placed several hundred below their max from last season. My friend who didn't play last season ranked Super high.
Werd!fyi, just logged in and Blizz gave me 5 free loot boxes. Get your login on.
there was 2 people grouped up and the rest were just solo queues. The dva had nothing behind him up there, he wasnt even protecting a torb or a bastion, he was just shooting from the elevator. I couldnt understand them though, i dont htink any of them spoke a lick of English.Probably using strats from competitive. I think most teams stand in the building above the car. High ground is advantageous. For SoloQ I think it's dumb, not enough coordination, but if you were paired with a premade-quad or something maybe that was their plan? idk
yep, no more McCree's there is always always a Soldier now.Werd!
Also it seems S76 is the new autolock