Almost hit 3k on my smurf account today, been real frustrating. Grouped with a 3200 roadhog and all day we got stuck with widowmakers or bastions that refused to swap, we'd win one lose one rinse repeat cause of it. Went solo queue on my own and got up to 2950 then had a mei that refused to swap, and she sucked. Then had a genji that started off as mercy then swapped genji soon as gates opened and never killed anybody, lost that one, leaving us with one healer no one else wanted to compensate for it.
Lot of times I've been just playing healer and thats when it sucks knowing if you swap to dps cause someone blows, then youre down a healer. Symmetra is cool but sometimes people think that symmetra is substitute for a second healer and I dont always feel that way, top it off when you have no reinhardt to hold a choke point it sucks.
Theres a few maps I think rein is mandatory for, like hanamura (O & D), Dorado (mainly defense imo), Gibraltar (O&D), hollywood, king's row, numbani, eitchenwalde's. You're at such a disadvantage on some of these maps if you dont have a reinhardt and the other team does, couple that with a roadhog behind the shield picking retards and then the pharah when your team has no hit scan to counter.
It's just these little things that amaze me at 3k you still see people refusing to switch, not countering pharah, not countering genji, not having a main healer or two healers. Lately it seems you really win when the OTHER team has one of the idiots listed above and you dont. It's just starting to make me wonder whats fun about competitive, cause youre not working together and losing, youre having an idiot on the team that doesnt work together and losing, and you're losing more than youre winning, and sometimes you have to go 5 fucking rounds to win or lose aka like a good 30-40 minute game. Win a 40 minute game, turn around lose more points in a 10 minute game.
I remember reading a post on overwatch forums where guy said he just played pharah whole time from 1500 to 3500 cause no one was countering him or could kill him before he killed them. Starting to feel like thats the way lol