Lol the widow hate XD Wait until you play against someone like Kephrii.
Anyways, as far as the elo system goes. What he says isn't the whole truth but if they back ended some of the curve would do a bit more in pitting people who need to be pitted. There are obviously more things to take into consideration than the whole I am good, I climb, or climb as I get better. Shit like attitude/toxicity should factor heavily, but who knows how they will apply that. A simple rating system would do wonders, but 2complicated too much abuse.
There are people in Masters, GM, Top500, who shouldn't be there. I'm not saying this because I think oh i'm almighty, but legit, if you see the people up here.. you wouldn't realize you were out of your own current elo.
Even though its not a great example, because who the fuck that is any good play csgo comp. Earlier in the year.. they fixed/adjusted the curve, a similar hill curve hill rather than a back ended one. It use to be where both GE and S1 were relatively the same in competition of population. I mean shit, S1 accounts were selling for way more than GE accounts because it was simply that hard to get into. It wasn't just placing the population in certain area's, it was how rating was rewarding and punished. I don't know the exacts on how they fixed/adjusted it, but a lot of people who bragged that they were LE LEM, but absolute garbage fell to MG/GN real fast.
It's minor but playing games in GE, you would expect close games that were something like anywhere from 8-16 or 14-16, but you were getting 16-0, or 16-3 games back to back; games full of GE/SUP.
Regardless, how that relates to OW is there are still turds left and right even at high elo. Lack of general knowledge and an increase of inflated ego. I'm sure those people do have some form of mechanical skill, I cant deny that but I think Blizzard is extremely fixated on appropriate queue times to avoid the sometimes upward to longer than 10 minute queues that you'd see in Masters/Challenger via league.