I tried:
Pretty awesome. It's only $5 a month and keeps track of all my Comp stats. It's better than the Excel sheet I was using for the three games I used it on. Hopefully it'll help me recognize where I'm sucking at. I gained 50 sr tonight. Any match I play Zen I won. I play him a lot and it's paying off. I'm getting used to leading with him and I try to orb low peeps because they have a likely chance of getting away in Silver. Usually the orb will help finish them off. Pharah or Bastion is where Silvers can't handle and I try to flex which never works.
If I play on my alt which is in plat those two heroes are never an issue, but Tracer's are as Zen. They just rape me as Zen. I need to learn better positioning I guess? They have the talent to one clip me.