I’ve enjoyed the OWL pre-season. I haven’t watched all the game but watch quite few. There seem to be a decent balance between all teams. Might be 1 or 2 stronger and 1 or 2 at the bottom but even then the gap doesn’t seem that big. It should be an interesting season I think.
A few observations,
Mercy and Zen are pretty in all games as healing duo, there was few Lucio, Ana and Moira but the vast majority was Mercy and Zen. Unless there is a balance patch it’s unlikely to change.
D'va and Winston are pretty much the dominant tanks, there was some Orissa, very little of Roadhog, Arya and Reinhardt. Again unless there is a balance patch it’s unlikely to change.
As for DPS, it was dominated by Tracer is pretty much every match with Junkrat, Genji and Widowmaker taking the other spot. A few maps saw the Pharmercy combo, which brought either a McCree or Soldier 76 but was pretty situational. Saw a few Bastion, Torbjorn, Mei and Hanzo...Hanzo was on a weird double sniper team on Junkertown otherwise he was absent, no Doomfist.
I’d say that 90% of the team were Mercy, Zen, D’va, Winston, Tracer...with either Junkrat, Widowmaker or Genji completing it. That’s pretty much on all map type, defense or offense.
I doubt Overwatch League will attract any attention outside of the Overwatch community. It’s fun to watch if you’re familiar with the game but even with the nice change to the client, and colored UI, it’s still confusing for peo0le not familiar with the game.
As for the Overwatch community, i think the utter lack of comp diversity will hurt the game in the long run as it gets very repetitive to watch the same comp all the time. It’s fun to see individual skill of the players but as overall game experience it’s too much of the same I think.
The most exciting moment was Surefour pulling out a Bastion, or Rascal I think on Mei giving us something different and genuinely exciting.