

Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I just expect there to be copycats due to OWL no matter what, for good or bad. Some team comps/strats will come to light that are good innovations and some shit should die in a fire. I'm use to it after playing LoL so long and seeing how pro-play always dictates the "meta" (except for lane swapping).

I'm not watching OWL very much though so it'll continually be a surprise to me what gets adopted...
Definitely seeing a lot of snipers recently but I don't know if it's necessarily due to OWL... seems like I battle with & against Widows/Hanzos since forever.

I think more of the Bastion / Mei / Torb stuff will be more surprising, since they've notoriously been niche/underplayed.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I am fully convinced people have absolutely no idea about what actually goes into making a team win, at low ranks at least. They are just completely obsessed with meta, and if anything deviates from it and they lose, they blame anything non meta or slightly different to the norm.

Was fucking around on my widow smurf yesterday, we actually won this particular match and I still had some silver mercy who was being carried by their plat friend type the usual 'report widow plz' shit at the end. This was despite getting a pick on their mercy at nearly every team fight, and having a 80% win rate on her overall (compared to the mercys 50% winrate in silver). People just have no fucking gamesense. I also had some guy add me as friend repeatedly just to trash talk, because I had muted comms by the end of the day. After playing like a few hours, Id gone from low gold to high plat, while the people trash talking were all still low gold or silver. Some serious Dunning-Kruger effect at play.

I honestly would recommend just muting comms if you're on the lower side of SR, people have no fucking idea what they're doing, can't call out anything worthwhile anyway, and just tilt their team off the planet.
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<Bronze Donator>
I hate when people mute comms though, we're at high plat and we always communicate which tends to make everyone else then theres just the one guy that didnt join and we cant coordinate a push or his ult with another ult or ask him to swap to something else. It's so frustrating to win games then lose due to no communication.

Also had this lucio last night who said he was an awesome lucio and wouldnt go mercy (I was on moira) so I went to mercy and saved the game (so sad) against the team with a mercy.

Also starting to feel like solo queue is better for me though, I get on a streak solo comp then add a couple friends who I think are good mercy's/DVA but we end up losing lol. Not sure they're bad but maybe its the luck. I need a good mercy when I play moira cause I'm mostly flank moira

I do agree tho some people tilt too easily. I'm just like dude ur attitude is gonna guarantee a loss, we're in this together sack up and perform or swap. It's not like I enjoy playing mercy but I hate losing and wasting my time more.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Day 5 since started playing OW Moiria is pretty much my choice every match.

Only issue is i feel her Ultimate is a bit weak and I'm likely not using it wrong, sometimes, i snag a kill or save a cpl guys but i feels a bit underwhelming and the DPS is too low to really burn down tanks without max effort on that.

I don't watch OW league but def more snipers recently.. god they at e a pain as naturally they all go right after moria as target #1 it seems. At least reapers/other fast disruptive heros i feel like i have a fighting chance vs aside from hide in cover and hope an ally takes em out...

Edit: I've been starting to get "elite" or w/e it is where all your teammates vote you after the game but i still feel underpowered at lvl 45 or so.. is there anyways to start a new char at low level without buying a new account? i got this one at 39 i mean..

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Molten Core Raider
Your player level in OW has no bearing on the power level of the character itself. Your player level just means how much you play really. For instance, seeing someone with a gold portrait frame doesn't necessarily mean they're good, they just play a lot.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
i feel her Ultimate is a bit weak and I'm likely not using it wrong, sometimes, i snag a kill or save a cpl guys but i feels a bit underwhelming and the DPS is too low to really burn down tanks without max effort on that.

Moira's a healer, so yea, dps is intended to be low. It heals good though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, her ult is basically a kamehameha of healing. Best way to use it is to let your tanks charge in and keep them up with that + heal orb.


Toe Sucker
I double DOGGY dare you to not pick meta

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Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah i basically use it as a healer, idk i just figured it would have more dmg on top on that too. I get a surprising amount of kills with her biotic shit pretty much any hero low on HP or out of position is dead even to a support. My healing done is usually around 7-9k, so not like good mercy lvl..

I know levels are meaningless but don't they affect who i play with, like instead of others who started a week ago i play lvl 50s with months more xp then me in random games?


<Bronze Donator>
ya I've learned as moira not to get too close to ana cause then she grenades us both. Other day I was practicing genji and had anna sleep dart me after I had dashed and killed her. I think your performance effects more who you play with than the levels. When I was leveling my smurf I'd get high levels, and I still see low levels with my main account (low level = less than 25)


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
I think the system does take into account levels for matchmaking.. until a certain point. And of course duoing will break the mold.
If just solo, I believe it tries to keep sub-level100 people matched together, but beyond that I think it's whatever. I'm almost level 600 and I still see levels under 100 at times (maybe duos). But level 100-300s are common too, and I also see silver/gold borders a lot which are levels 600-1200
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
It seems like there is a quick play MMR and a ranked MMR. And QP MMR is only used to initially seed your ranked MMR. It doesn't seem like account levels really matter.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Oh just remember, I received 3 messages in the last week that action was taken against someone I reported. :)

I had received that once by email, and one time only in game. So either they were very active on bans in the last week, or I've been unlucky and gotten some very toxic players...or maybe I just report way too many people. :)


Still a Music Elitist
I've never reported anyone. What would there be to report? Are you like some CS dude who thinks omghaxx any time someone is good?
  • 1Smuggly
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Generally toxic behavior is what I report. That and intentional throwing (usually go hand-in-hand with toxic followed by throw.) I've only reported one person for hacks and it was pretty blatant.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
I've never reported anyone. What would there be to report? Are you like some CS dude who thinks omghaxx any time someone is good?

I don't think I've ever reported someone for hacking. It's usually for toxic behavior...Abusive Chat, or Griefing when someone intentionally throw like stays in spawn, or suicide constantly or something along those lines.
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<Bronze Donator>
Just had a guy with 7 hours on mcree and 33minutes on everything else this season, and on attack he goes torb then defense hanzo. Ugh. Got him two games in a row, carried him the first game.