Can someone maybe recommend some other hero's for me a legit try?
So far i pretty much stick to Moira, Junkrat, or occasionally Soldier 76 if i don't feel like spamming explosives.. and support is already filled up.
I feel like i need to at least learn a viable tank hero if i'm gonna start playing competitive. Mostly the same reason i tend t towards healers in most games i simply don't trust others to do the roll well.
Rein is the best tank, a good Rein can determine the outcome of games easily.
"Shield Tanks" are usually always wanted. Rein / Orisa mainly
Winston is good at countering flankers (tracer, genji)
Roadhog & Dva are good for their own reasons and pair well with a Shield tank.
Forgot Zarya, a good Zarya is really good and helps counter Mei/Junkrat/Reaper, fits in the Road/Dva group imo.
Usually you want a Rein/Orisa and then 1 of the other 4 depending on enemy teamcomp. Or Rein & Orisa for maximum annoyance lol
There is no best tank to learn. The best tank is whichever tank you need to play against the enemy team. Actually, the best tank is the one that will suite your team’s play style. If you’re on Rein and you have a bunch of snipers or flanking heroes in your team and no one is pushing with you or utilizing the shield, you may as well be on something like a dva or Winston. It’s. It not very fun advice, but it’s true! :/
Zarya left click tracking is also like Moira (although Zarya has ammo pool)